I am using the .NET MongoDb driver and Azure Cosmos DB Emulator. I am trying to create a database and collection on startup of a dotnet core Web Api project.

I am running the following code within the ConfigureServices function in Startup.cs.

var connectionString = databaseConfig.GetValue<string>("connectionString");
var databaseName = databaseConfig.GetValue<string>("name");

var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var db = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);            
var collection = db.GetCollection("users");

This is neither creating the database or the collection. I am viewing this in the emulator's data explorer and Robo3T client.

I was under the impression that client.GetDatabase(databaseName) and db.GetCollection<User>("users") will create if the database and collection does not exist respectively.

I can get it to create the database and collection with the following db.CreateCollection("users"). This will require me to check if the collection first exists and isn't the prescribed approach.

Does anyone have any insights into this behaviour?



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于 2018-08-07T08:19:54.640 回答