你真的不必在 Tcl 中初始化一个空字典——你可以简单地开始使用它,它会随着你的进行而被填充。如前所述,dict 手册页是最好的开始方式。此外,我建议您查看regexp 手册页,因为您可以很好地使用它来解析您的文本文件。
atm 没有更好的事情要做,我拼凑了一个简短的示例代码,可以帮助您入门。将其用作开始提示,将其调整为您特定的日志布局,并添加一些防御措施以防止意外输入错误。
# The following line is not strictly necessary as Tcl does not
# require you to first create an empty dictionary.
# You can simply start using 'dict set' commands below and the first
# one will create a dictionary for you.
# However, declaring something as a dict does add to code clarity.
set tableDict [dict create]
# Depending on your log sanity, you may want to declare some defaults
# so as to avoid errors in case the log file misses one of the expected
# lines (e.g. 'HEADx' is missing).
set headNumber {UNKNOWN}
set stepNumber {UNKNOWN}
set start {UNKNOWN}
set stop {UNKNOWN}
# Now read the file line by line and extract the interesting info.
# If the file indeed contains all of the required lines and exactly
# formatted as in your example, this should work.
# If there are discrepancies, adjust regex accordingly.
set log [open log.txt]
while {[gets $log line] != -1} {
if {[regexp {HEAD([0-9]+)} $line all value]} {
set headNumber $value
if {[regexp {Step([0-9]+)} $line all value]} {
set stepNumber $value
if {[regexp {Start Time : ([0-9]+(?:am|pm))} $line all value]} {
set start $value
# NOTE: I am assuming that your example was typed by hand and all
# inconsistencies stem from there. Otherwise, you have to adjust
# the regular expressions as 'End Time' is written with varying
# capitalization and with inconsistent white spaces around ':'
if {[regexp {End Time : ([0-9]+(?:am|pm))} $line all value]} {
set start $value
# NOTE: This short example relies heavily on the log file
# being formatted exactly as described. Therefore, as soon
# as we find 'End Time' line, we assume that we already have
# everything necessary for the next dictionary entry
dict set tableDict HEAD$headNumber Step$stepNumber StartTime $start
dict set tableDict HEAD$headNumber Step$stepNumber EndTime $stop
close $log
# You can now get your data from the dictionary and output your table
foreach head [dict keys $tableDict] {
puts $head
foreach step [dict keys [dict get $tableDict $head]] {
set start [dict get $tableDict $head $step StartTime]
set stop [dict get $tableDict $head $step EndTime]
puts "$step $start $stop"