I have a DataWindow that has a number of columns. One of the columns have a bitmap as as a header instead of text. I can move each of the other columns by dragging and dropping to change the column order but I when I try to move the column with the bitmap it does the following:

  1. Column Space 'Moves' but the bitmap's position is not moving.
  2. Other text headers now occupy the same space as the bitmap.
  3. The original column space is now an empty space in the position i moved it to.
  4. If i try to resize the column by dragging the edges, the bitmap scales up/down but it just does not move.

I've tried checking the 'moveable' checkbox but it does not help the bitmap move when I move the column. Is there any other property I need to check to get the bitmap to move along with the column?


2 回答 2


Grid DataWindow 的魔法只适用于标题中的文本对象。但是,您可以在标题栏中堆叠多个文本,并将上方的背景设置为透明,以便它们全部显示。DataWindow 将一起移动它们并调整它们的大小。如果您所追求的是某种指示符,您也许可以在字体中找到您想要的东西。如果您只需要一个单色位图,您还可以制作一个包含您的位图的字体。

于 2011-03-01T16:59:18.013 回答

FWIW,我在 11.1 中看到了相同的行为,我称之为错误。我会告诉你如何将它报告给 Sybase(如果你没有合同,Case-Express,如果你有合同更好的回应),因为如果他们不知道它就无法修复它(它也不会是我想测试的东西),但 10.5 是生命的尽头,所以无论如何都不会有任何补丁。

解决方法是在图片的 X 属性中放置一个表达式,例如“ Long (Describe ("col_name.x"))”(不带外引号)。这解决了运行时的问题,尽管我在 11.1 上的测试表明它在设计器中看起来有点时髦,这真的不重要。



于 2011-03-01T16:06:20.530 回答