我正在设置一个简单的 QP 来测试 ROI R 包。但是,当它不受约束时,包不能为简单的玩具问题提供错误的解决方案。
# Maximize -1/2 x^2 + x, no constraints
> x <- OP(Q_objective(as.matrix(-1), 1), maximum = TRUE, bounds = V_bound(lb = -Inf, ub = Inf, nobj = 1))
> x
> ROI Optimization Problem:
Maximize a quadratic objective function of length 1 with
- 1 continuous objective variable,
subject to
- 0 constraints
- 1 lower and 0 upper non-standard variable bounds.
> sol <- ROI_solve(x, solver = 'qpoases')
> sol
No optimal solution found.
The solver message was: Initialisation failed! QP could not be solved!
The objective value is: 0.000000e+00
> sol$solution
[1] 0
> sol$objval
[1] 0
> sol$status
[1] 1
solver qpoases
code 36
message Initialisation failed! QP could not be solved!
roi_code 1
那很奇怪。在相关说明中,当我使用 quadprog 求解器时,我能够获得不受约束的解决方案 (= 1),但是由于其他原因,我不得不从使用 quadprog 切换到 qpoases。
> ROI_solve(OP(Q_objective(as.matrix(-1), 1), maximum = TRUE), solver = 'qpoases')
No optimal solution found.
The solver message was: Initialisation failed! QP could not be solved!
The objective value is: 0.000000e+00
> ROI_solve(OP(Q_objective(as.matrix(1), -1), maximum = FALSE), solver = 'qpoases')
Optimal solution found.
The objective value is: -5.000000e-01