看看CodeProject: CString-clone Using Standard C++。它使用您建议的解决方案来扩大缓冲区大小。
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: FormatV
// void FormatV(PCSTR szFormat, va_list, argList);
// This function formats the string with sprintf style format-specs.
// It makes a general guess at required buffer size and then tries
// successively larger buffers until it finds one big enough or a
// threshold (MAX_FMT_TRIES) is exceeded.
// szFormat - a PCSTR holding the format of the output
// argList - a Microsoft specific va_list for variable argument lists
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FormatV(const CT* szFormat, va_list argList)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(szFormat) + STD_BUF_SIZE;
ssvsprintf(GetBuffer(nLen), nLen-1, szFormat, argList);
CT* pBuf = NULL;
int nChars = 1;
int nUsed = 0;
size_type nActual = 0;
int nTry = 0;
// Grow more than linearly (e.g. 512, 1536, 3072, etc)
nChars += ((nTry+1) * FMT_BLOCK_SIZE);
pBuf = reinterpret_cast<CT*>(_alloca(sizeof(CT)*nChars));
nUsed = ssnprintf(pBuf, nChars-1, szFormat, argList);
// Ensure proper NULL termination.
nActual = nUsed == -1 ? nChars-1 : SSMIN(nUsed, nChars-1);
pBuf[nActual+1]= '\0';
} while ( nUsed < 0 && nTry++ < MAX_FMT_TRIES );
// assign whatever we managed to format
this->assign(pBuf, nActual);