I'm building a Perl module. Makefile.PL has
'DBI' => '>= 1.641, < 2',
# etc, ...
'Test::More' => 0,
# more stuff ...
Recently, my ~/perl5 tree got corrupted (PERL5LIB=~/perl5) so I decided to rebuild it, so I blew it away. Doesn't WriteMakefile() generate some make target that will do this for me with all the modules/packages in PREREQ_PM and TEST_REQUIRES. Instead, it just prints warnings:
Warning: prerequisite DBI >= 1.641, < 2 not found.
So I have to start re-installing all these by hand in order to run tests. For my small project, this isn't such a problem, but what if the project had many dependencies? Isn't there a way to automate this?