我已经使用以下说明将 tmuxinator 安装到 cygwin 中。和红宝石一样。整个安装成功,但如果我运行tmuxinator我会收到以下错误:

╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

builder (3.2.3)
did_you_mean (1.0.2)
erubis (2.7.0)
minitest (5.10.3)
psych (2.2.4)
rake (12.1.0)
rdoc (5.1.0)
thor (0.20.0)
tmuxinator (0.12.0)
xdg (2.2.3)
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> tmuxinator
-bash: tmuxinator: command not found


我没有在我的路径中找到 tmuxinator,但我不知道我应该添加哪条路径。

它全部在我的 cygwin 中运行,我检查了一些人员和版本:

╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> echo $SHELL
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> echo $EDITOR
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> ruby -v
ruby 2.3.6p384 (2017-12-14 revision 9808) [x86_64-cygwin]
last_commit=ruby 2.3.3
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> tmux -V
tmux 2.6
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> gem --version

我试图运行我的输出中的另一个宝石,gem list我得到了:

╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> psych
-bash: psych: command not found
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> builder
-bash: builder: command not found
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> erubis
-bash: erubis: command not found
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> did_you_mean
-bash: did_you_mean: command not found
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚> rake
rake aborted!
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)
/usr/share/gems/gems/rake-12.1.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚&gt; rdoc
uh-oh! RDoc had a problem:
cannot load such file -- io/console/size

run with --debug for full backtrace
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚&gt; thor
-bash: thor: command not found
╔═xakep ▷ DESKTOP-FOIFIIK:[~]:
╚&gt; xdg
-bash: xdg: command not found



1 回答 1


并通过添加/home/xakep/.bin到我的$PATHThx @varro来修复它

╔═xakep ▷ khashashin:[~]:
╚&gt; export PATH=$PATH:/home/xakep/.bin


╔═xakep ▷ khashashin:[~]:
╚&gt; tmuxinator
tmuxinator commands:
  tmuxinator commands                          # Lists commands available in tmuxinator
  tmuxinator completions [arg1 arg2]           # Used for shell completion
  tmuxinator copy [EXISTING] [NEW]             # Copy an existing project to a new project and open it in your editor
  tmuxinator debug [PROJECT] [ARGS]            # Output the shell commands that are generated by tmuxinator
  tmuxinator delete [PROJECT1] [PROJECT2] ...  # Deletes given project
  tmuxinator doctor                            # Look for problems in your configuration
  tmuxinator help [COMMAND]                    # Describe available commands or one specific command
  tmuxinator implode                           # Deletes all tmuxinator projects
  tmuxinator list                              # Lists all tmuxinator projects
  tmuxinator local                             # Start a tmux session using ./.tmuxinator.yml
  tmuxinator new [PROJECT] [SESSION]           # Create a new project file and open it in your editor
  tmuxinator start [PROJECT] [ARGS]            # Start a tmux session using a project's name (with an optional [ALIAS] for project reuse) or a path to a project config file (via the -p flag)
  tmuxinator stop [PROJECT]                    # Stop a tmux session using a project's tmuxinator config
  tmuxinator version                           # Display installed tmuxinator version
于 2018-07-24T10:42:55.450 回答