
My site is hosted at "nateshmbhat.github.io". I have used mdboostrp's row and col for my dom. But its not mobile friendly (shows lot of background space).

Site : https://nateshmbhat.github.io/ . Its a static site.

How do i fix it ?

Site code : https://github.com/nateshmbhat/nateshmbhat.github.io


2 回答 2


Add this tag to the head: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

于 2018-07-23T07:46:24.047 回答

It looks like your cards use the class "m-5".

<div class="card m-5 hoverable projectCard" style="width: 22rem;">

If you want them to be responsive using boostrap the class is "col-md-5".

<div class="card col-md-5 hoverable projectCard">

Does it answer your question ?

于 2018-07-23T08:05:06.880 回答