I recently registered a new app at Fabric.io, invited my test team, added their UDID at my developer account, downloaded the provisioning profile with the devices included and followed all steps as I am used to execute.

Everything seems fine, but in time to install my app, the icon appears at home screen from my team phones, but never goes to another status as loading or installed the app. The most curious thing, if you go to user status there appears as the user installed it.

Someone with same problem? The unique common stuff I saw is the operational system, it seems to be a kinda new problem.


1 回答 1


来自 Fabric 的 Mike。为了让 Beta 版能够准确跟踪测试人员的状态,他们需要从 Beta 版应用程序中启动该应用程序。一旦他们这样做,他们的状态将转到 Beta 仪表板中的“已安装”。

于 2018-07-25T12:54:50.373 回答