我试图在我编辑过的单元格旁边自动创建一个时间戳,但由于某种原因,时间戳也在第二张纸上创建。因此,当我在第一张纸上编辑一个单元格(标题为“第 8 季”)时,它会在其旁边的单元格上创建一个时间戳,但也会在下一张纸上创建该时间戳(标题为“Alt - 第 8 季”)。只有这两张表似乎是相关的,因为时间戳不会在文档中的任何其他表上创建。我创建了一个 gif 来显示问题所在:https ://imgur.com/a/E5Mp8oB


var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); //shortcut to access ui methods
var ps = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); //shortcut to access properties methods
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() //shortcut to access spreadsheet methods

var timezone = "PST8PDT";
var timestampFormat = "h:mm a, yyyy-MM-dd"; // Timestamp Format (hour:minute, AM/PM, year-month-day)

function timestamp(currentSheet){
  var updateColName = 'Result' //the name of the column we're looking for
  var timestampColName = 'Date' //the name of the column where the timestamp will go
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()

  var actRng = sheet.getActiveRange(); //finding the active range of the selected cell
  var editColumn = actRng.getColumn(); //finding the column of the active cell (returns int, start at index 1)
  var editRow = actRng.getRow(); //finding the row of the active cell

  var headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues(); //return an array with an element for the value of each cell in the first row (header row)
  var dateCol = headers[0].indexOf(timestampColName, editColumn); //finding the index of the first column after editColumn with the name of timeStampColName (index starts from 0)

  var editColumnName = sheet.getRange(1, editColumn).getValue() //finding the name of the column of the active cell
  if (dateCol > -1 && editRow > 12 && editColumnName == updateColName){ //if: a column with name timestmapColName exists, and if row is below 12, and if the name of the column of the active cell matches the name we are looking for (updateColName), create the timestamp
    var cell = sheet.getRange(editRow, dateCol + 1) //defining which cell the timestamp will go in. We do dateCol + 1 since dateCol starts from index 0, but getRange starts at index 1
    var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timezone, timestampFormat); //storing our date format in date
    cell.setValue(date); //setting the value of the cell to date (our timestamp)

  Logger.log('first column with header \'Date\': %s', dateCol + 1) //we add 1 to start from index 1 to compare against editColumn which starts at index 1
  Logger.log('column with active cell: %s', editColumn)
  Logger.log('column name of active cell: %s', editColumnName)
  Logger.log('Column name we need to match: %s', updateColName)


function onEdit(){


编辑:我有一些更新完全让我感到困惑。我的理论认为这两个是工作表以某种方式链接,因为第二个是使用“制作副本”按钮制作的,这是完全错误的,因为我通过更多测试发现,只要单元格正确排列(列间距) ,那么只要列间距正确,任何时间戳都将在活动工作表(应该如此)以及任何名为“第 8 季”的工作表上创建。即使名为 Season 8 的工作表是全新的工作表,仍会创建时间戳。我不知道是什么原因造成的,我想知道,因为我目前的修复只是将工作表重命名为其他内容。


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