不应混淆 Kerberos 和 Spnego。尽管 Spnego 经常用于 Kerberos 身份验证,但 Spnego 并不总是意味着 Kerberos,甚至不代表 Kerberos。
Spnego 是一种协议,它允许客户端和服务器协商相互接受的机械类型(如果可用)。
这可能是也可能不是 Kerberos,具体取决于客户端和服务器在协商过程中请求的子机制。协商过程可能需要几次握手尝试。
在我当前正在测试的设置中,使用 Internet Explorer 作为客户端,使用 JAAS + GSS 作为服务器的自定义 Java 应用程序服务器,我观察到与您的评论类似的行为:
- 浏览器发送未经身份验证的请求
- 服务器回复 HTTP 401 Unauthorized, WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header。
- 浏览器要么以 Negotiate + NTLM 令牌响应(不好!)。
- 服务器回复 HTTP 401 Unauthorized, WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate + GSS response token
- 浏览器使用包含 Kerberos 令牌的 Negotiate + Spnego NegoTokenTarg 进行响应。
- 服务器解包 Kerberos 令牌;解码和验证客户端;以 HTTP 200 响应,WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate + GSS 响应令牌
即我不阻止浏览器发送 NTLM 令牌,我的服务器只是继续协商另一轮,直到它获得 Kerberos 令牌。
作为一个附带问题:Internet Explorer 11 在步骤 3 中提供的令牌与 Spnego 不完全兼容,它既不是 NegTokenInit 也不是 NetTokenTarg,而且 127 字节的长度显然太短而无法包含或包装 Kerberos 令牌.
您正在使用 Spring Security Kerberos,但在评论中您表示对其他库感兴趣,所以下面是我的基于 JGSS 的 Spnego 身份验证代码。
为简洁起见,我省略了 JAAS 设置,但所有这些都发生在 JAAS Subject.doAs() 特权上下文中。
public static final String NEGOTIATE = "Negotiate ";
public static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization";
public static final String WWWAUTHENTICATE = "WWW-Authenticate";
public static final int HTTP_OK = 200;
public static final int HTTP_GOAWAY = 401; //Unauthorized
public static final String SPNEGOOID = "";
public static final String KRB5OID = "1.2.840.113554.1.2.2";
public void spnegoAuthenticate(Request req, Response resp, Service http) {
GSSContext gssContext = null;
String kerberosUser = null;
String auth =req.headers("Authorization");
if ( auth != null && auth.startsWith(NEGOTIATE )) {
//smells like an SPNEGO request, so get the token from the http headers
String authBody = auth.substring(NEGOTIATE.length());
int offset =0;
// As GSS cannot directly process Spnego NegTokenInit and NegTokenTarg, preprocess and extract native Kerberos token.
authBody = preProcessToken(authBody);
try {
byte gssapiData[] = Base64.getDecoder().decode(authBody);
gssContext = initGSSContext(SPNEGOOID, KRB5OID);
byte token[] = gssContext.acceptSecContext(gssapiData, offset, gssapiData.length);
if (gssapiData.length > 128) {
//extract the Kerberos User. The Execute/Login service will compare this with the user in the message body.
kerberosUser = gssContext.getSrcName().toString();
} else {
//Is too short to be a kerberos token (or to wrap one), so don't try and extract the user.
//This could be a first pass from an SPNEGO enabled Web-browser. Maybe NTLM?
String responseToken = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(token);
if (responseToken != null && responseToken.length() > 0) {
resp.header(WWWAUTHENTICATE, NEGOTIATE + responseToken);
} catch (GSSException e) {
// Something went wrong fishing the token from the http headers
http.halt(401, "Go Away! This is a privileged route, and you ain't privileged!"+"\r\n");
} finally {
try {
} catch (GSSException e) {
//error handling here
} else {
//This is either not a SPNEGO request, or is the first pass without token
resp.header(WWWAUTHENTICATE, NEGOTIATE.trim()); //set header to suggest negotiation
http.halt(HTTP_GOAWAY, "Go Away! This is a privileged route, and you ain't privileged! Only come back when you are."+"\r\n");
private String preProcessToken(String authBody) {
String tag = getTokenType(authBody);
if (tag.equals("60")) {
// is a standard "application constructed" token. Kerberos tokens seem to start with "YI.."
} else if (tag.equals("A0")) {
// is a Spnego NegTokenInit, starting with "oA.." to "oP.."
} else if (tag.equals("A1")) {
// is a Spnego NegTokenTarg, starting with "oQ.." to "oZ.."
} else {
// some other unexpected token.
// TODO: generate error
return authBody;
private String extractKerberosToken(String authBody) {
return authBody.substring(authBody.indexOf("YI", 2));
private String getTokenType(String authBody) {
return String.format("%02X", Base64.getDecoder().decode(authBody.substring(0,2))[0]);
1) getTokenType() 使用解码后的令牌,但 extractKerberosToken 作用于编码后的令牌,两者都应该对解码后的令牌使用字节操作。
2)基于长度的令牌拒绝有点太简单了。我计划添加更好的 NTLM 令牌识别......
3) 我没有真正的 GSS 上下文循环。如果我不喜欢客户呈现的内容,我会拒绝并关闭上下文。对于来自客户端的任何后续握手尝试,我会打开一个新的 GSS 上下文。