
if确定是否继续处理线索的语句没有包含在#if DEBUG...#else指令中,因此它应该在所有情况下都执行。


我的应用程序进程跟进客户邮件列表中的电子邮件。它如何做到这一点对于这篇文章并不重要,但它是一个 WPF 应用程序,它可以获取所有超过 2 周的潜在客户并满足其他一些条件。


public class MainViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public ContactsViewModel Contacts { get; }
    public EmailsViewModel Emails { get; }
    public FollowUpsViewModel FollowUps { get; }
    public GroupsViewModel Groups { get; }
    public LeadsViewModel Leads { get; }
    public LeadStatusesViewModel LeadStatuses { get; }

    public MainViewModel(LoadingViewModel loadingVM)
        Groups = new GroupsViewModel();
        LeadStatuses = new LeadStatusesViewModel();
        Contacts = new ContactsViewModel(Groups);
        Emails = new EmailsViewModel(Campaigns, Templates);
        Leads = new LeadsViewModel(Campaigns, Emails, LeadStatuses, Groups);
        FollowUps = new FollowUpsViewModel(Leads);

    public async Task Load()
        // Contacts data is loaded ad hoc when requested.
        await Groups.Load();
        await Emails.Load();
        await LeadStatuses.Load();
        await Leads.Load();

        // Delegate follow ups to a new thread so as to keep the UI responsive.
        new Thread(delegate () { FollowUps.FollowUp(this); }).Start();

线索被加载到 LeadsViewModel 上的 ObservableCollection 中:

public class LeadsViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<LeadViewModel> AllLeads = new ObservableCollection<LeadViewModel>();

   public LeadsViewModel(CampaignsViewModel campaigns, EmailsViewModel emails, LeadStatusesViewModel statuses, GroupsViewModel groups)
        // Loads other ObservableCollections... These aren't really relevant to this question for the most part.
        _campaigns = campaigns;
        _emails = emails;
        _statuses = statuses;
        _groups = groups;

    public async Task Load()
        var contacts = await Dal.Instance.Contacts.GetDictionaryAsync();
        var models = await TrackerDal.Instance.Leads.ListAsync();
        foreach (var m in models)
            var lead = new EmailStatus();
            lead = m;

            // Make VERY sure that the error is that the associated contact doesn't exist.
            if (!contacts.TryGetValue(lead.ContactId, out var contact))
                TrackerDal.Instance.Leads.Delete(lead, false);
                // Add the lead.
                AllLeads.Add(new LeadViewModel(this, m, _emails, _statuses, _groups, contact));



如果我使用的是发布版本 ( #if !DEBUG),它不会返回任何潜在客户数据。

public class FollowUpsViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private readonly LeadsViewModel _leads;

    public FollowUpsViewModel(LeadsViewModel leads)
        _leads = leads;

public void FollowUp(MainViewModel mvm)
        UpdateMessage(mvm, $"Follow up started.");
        Logger.Instance.LogInfo("Follow ups started...");
        int leadNumber = 1;
        int leadsCount = 0;

        Logger.Instance.LogDebug($"[Follow Up] Connection string is {TrackerDal.Instance.ConnectionString}");
        Logger.Instance.LogInfo($"[Follow Up] Connection string is {TrackerDal.Instance.ConnectionString}");

        Logger.Instance.LogDebug("[Follow Up] Checking valid leads exist...");
        Logger.Instance.LogInfo("[Follow Up] Checking valid leads exist...");
        if (_leads.AllLeads.Where(x => x.Email != null).Count() >= 1)
            // At this point, the code loops through existing leads to send follow up emails and updates the database.
            Logger.Instance.LogDebug("None found...");
            Logger.Instance.LogInfo("None found...");
    catch(Exception ex)
        // Do error handling stuff


调试日志 - 这是应用程序在调试器中运行时记录的内容:

2018-07-19 16:25:14,701 [16] INFO 后续行动开始...
2018-07-19 16:25:14,745 [16] DEBUG [Follow Up] 连接字符串为 Data Source=ortund;初始目录=ortund;用户 ID=ortund;密码=gwrhw4h;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
2018-07-19 16:25:14,745 [16] 调试 [跟进] 检查有效线索是否存在...
2018-07-19 16:25:14,747 [16] 调试 [跟进]找到有效线索...
2018-07-19 16:25:14,748 [16] 调试 [跟进] 找到 2 个有效线索进行处理...
2018-07-19 16:25:14,749 [16] 调试 [跟进] 开始线索 #1
2018-07-19 16:25:14,798 [16] 调试 [跟进] 为线索 #1 发送跟进电子邮件
2018-07-19 16:25:15,078 [16] 调试 [跟进] 线索#1 在数据库中更新
2018-07-19 16:25:15,078 [16] 调试 [跟进] 线索 #1 处理完成。
2018-07-19 16:25:15,078 [16] 调试 [跟进] 开始线索 #2
2018-07-19 16:25:15,080 [16] 调试 [跟进] 为线索 #2 发送跟进电子邮件
2018- 07-19 16:25:15,155 [16] 调试 [跟进] 线索 #2 在数据库中更新
2018-07-19 16:25:15,157 [16] 调试 [跟进] 线索 #2 处理完成。

信息日志 - 此日志在发布构建和发布后被记录:

2018-07-19 16:27:57,562 [16] INFO 后续行动开始...
2018-07-19 16:27:57,629 [16] INFO [Follow Up] 连接字符串为 Data Source=ortund;初始目录=ortund;用户 ID=ortund;密码=gwrhw4h;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
2018-07-19 16:27:57,629 [16] 信息 [跟进] 检查有效线索是否存在...
2018-07-19 16:27:57,630 [16] 信息未找到.. .


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