
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <Name><![CDATA[John Smith]]></Name>
          <StreetAddress><![CDATA[33, Sunset Boulevrd]]></StreetAddress>
          <Name><![CDATA[John Smith]]></Name>
          <StreetAddress><![CDATA[47, Rodeo Drive]]></StreetAddress>
          <Name><![CDATA[John Smith]]></Name>
          <StreetAddress><![CDATA[33, Sunset Boulevrd]]></StreetAddress>
        <DatePurchased>2018-07-01 16:30:42</DatePurchased>
        <DateLastModified>2018-07-02 21:08:28</DateLastModified>
            <SKU>IRF 8707TR</SKU>


$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xmlDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xmlDoc);
$rootNode = $xpath->query('//OrderListResponseContainer/Orders')->item(0);
foreach($rootNode->childNodes as $node)
    foreach($node->childNodes as $subnode)
        Process User
        foreach($subnode->childNodes as $subsubnode)
            foreach($subsubnode->childNodes as $subsubsubnode)
                Process Products and Sales

**** ADDED ****
我使用嵌套循环为每个产品创建一个 xml(每个 xml 包含有关买家、商品和销售的详细信息),然后将此 xml 传递给存储过程以生成用户/item/sale 记录:出于多种原因,我不能先大量导入用户,然后是项目,然后是销售,但是在构建销售 xml 时,我需要来自 Total Node 的一些详细信息,获取它们的一种方法是将 Total Node 移动到顶部XML,但显然在订单节点内
**** 已添加 ****

我需要在处理 Products 之前访问一些 Total 子节点我找到的唯一解决方案是在开始时移动 Total 节点,但是尽管尝试了很多次,但我未能成功:想法是将totalNodeand克隆appendbeforeOrderID节点





1 回答 1



但是,关于访问Total节点......您也可以简单地使用 XPath。

$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xmlDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xmlDoc);

// first, let's fetch all <Order> elements
$orders = $xpath->query('//OrderListResponseContainer/Orders/Order');

// loop through all <Order> elements
foreach( $orders as $order ) {
    There's all sorts of ways you could convert <Total> to something useful

  // Example 1.
  // fetch <Total> that is a direct child (./) of our context node (second argument) $order
  $total = $xpath->query( './Total', $order )->item( 0 );

  // then do something like
  $subTotal = $total->getElementsByTagName( 'SubTotal' )->item( 0 );
  $shipping = $total->getElementsByTagName( 'Shipping' )->item( 0 );
  // ... etc. for each child node of <Total>

  // or perhaps simply convert it to a SimpleXMLElement
  $total = simplexml_import_dom( $total );
  var_dump( $total );
  // and then access the values like this:
  // ... etc.

  // Example 2.1
  // fetch all children of <Total> into an array
  $total = [];
  foreach( $xpath->query( './Total/*', $order ) as $totalNode ) {
    $total[ $totalNode->nodeName ] = $totalNode->textContent;
  var_dump( $total );

  // Example 2.2
  // fetch all children of <Total> into a stdClass object
  $total = new \stdClass;
  foreach( $xpath->query( './Total/*', $order ) as $totalNode ) {
    $total->{ $totalNode->nodeName } = $totalNode->textContent;
  var_dump( $total );

    Now, after this you can create and process the Customer and Products data
    in a similar fashion as I've shown how to process the Total data above
于 2018-07-19T11:48:08.227 回答