我正在使用 Microsoft Cryptography Research Group 的Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (SEAL)库。有没有办法获取内容seal::Ciphertext variable
?我试图理解 ciphertext.h 和 ciphertext.cpp 并发现:
Saves the ciphertext to an output stream. The output is in binary format and not
human-readable. The output stream must have the "binary" flag set.
@param[in] stream The stream to save the ciphertext to
@see load() to load a saved ciphertext.
void save(std::ostream &stream) const;
Loads a ciphertext from an input stream overwriting the current ciphertext.
@param[in] stream The stream to load the ciphertext from
@see save() to save a ciphertext.
void load(std::istream &stream);
但是我找不到另一个选项来获取任何seal::Ciphertext variable
如果你们中的任何人从上面的链接中下载了 SEAL 库并在不更改任何内容的情况下提取了它。seal::Ciphertext