我已经使用命令创建了构建MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod --verbose
. 即使我运行 start 命令,它也成功启动,但是当我转到 时htttp://localhost:4000
,服务器没有运行。当我运行_build/prod/rel/project/bin/project foreground
我正在使用 MacOS 版本:10.13.2,elixir:1.6.5(使用 OTP 19 编译),otp:Erlang/OTP 20。这是日志
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod --verbose
Generated project app
==> Loading configuration..
==> Assembling release..
==> Building release project:0.0.1 using environment prod
==> One or more direct or transitive dependencies are missing from
:applications or :included_applications, they will not be included
in the release:
This can cause your application to fail at runtime. If you are sure that this is not an issue, you may ignore this warning.
==> Release successfully built!
You can run it in one of the following ways:
Interactive: _build/prod/rel/project/bin/project console
Foreground: _build/prod/rel/project/bin/project foreground
Daemon: _build/prod/rel/project/bin/project start
我还经历了酿酒厂问题https://github.com/bitwalker/distillery/issues/276并且因为这个问题表明我检查了我的应用程序名称并且服务器在配置文件中设置为 true,所以它没有帮助。我还在这里更详细地记录了问题https://github.com/bitwalker/distillery/issues/433。
environment :prod do
set include_erts: true
set include_src: false
set cookie: :"lfHBC,7lDxe6kbZJ%M.x4=r!>[F*DhL)ly`?d$>%iE=9y)V4_Oulis?4Rvm)~!55"
# You may define one or more releases in this file.
# If you have not set a default release, or selected one
# when running `mix release`, the first release in the file
# will be used by default
release :project do
set version: current_version(:project)
set applications: [
当我尝试创建一个新的 phoenix 应用程序并执行相同操作时,它正常运行并侦听端口 4000 并输出前台命令,但在我的应用程序中使用相同的配置,它不侦听 4000 端口并挂起前台命令。当我看到netstat
两者时,我的应用程序似乎没有运行 4000 端口,请参阅
编辑: 这是我的配置和产品文件。我刚刚粘贴了端点详细信息,让我知道是否还有其他需要。
# config.exs
config :project, Project.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
secret_key_base: some_secret_key,
render_errors: [view: Project.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(html json)],
check_origin: false,
pubsub: [name: Project.PubSub, adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2]
# prod.exs
config :project, Project.Endpoint,
http: [port: 4000],
url: [scheme: "https", host: "server.example.com", port: 443],
server: true,
code_reloader: false