

所以我有一张带数字的桌子。1 代表黄色宝石,2 代表蓝色,以此类推...


    A  B  C  D  E
1 | 1  2  3  4  5
2 | 3  5  2  4  1
3 | 1  4  4  1  2
4 | 3  3  2  1  5
5 | 5  1  5  2  5

我想计算一个步骤,以水平或垂直获得 3 个相等的数字(宝石)。例如,在此表中,如果我将 E2 与 D2 交换,则 D2 将为 1,并且 D2、D3、D4 创建一个有效步骤,因为它都是 1。我使用的是 VB.NET 2010。

我的桌子是 8x8 大小,这只是上面的一个例子。

现在我只有多个变量中的值(A1 = 1,A2 = 3,等等..)



2 回答 2



Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim input = {{1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1},
                     {1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4},
                     {2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4},
                     {3, 5, 1, 5, 2, 4, 1, 2},
                     {4, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2},
                     {2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1},
                     {2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4},
                     {3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2}}

        Console.Write("   |")
        For i = 1 To input.GetLength(1)
            Console.Write("{0,3}", GetColumnName(i))
        For i = 1 To input.GetLength(1)

        For y = 0 To input.GetUpperBound(0)
            Console.Write("{0,3}|", y + 1)
            For x = 0 To input.GetUpperBound(1)
                Console.Write("{0,3}", input(y, x))

        Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}SOLUTION:", vbCrLf)
        For Each match In Solve(input)
            Console.WriteLine("Move {0} {1} for a match of {2}", match.Item1, match.Item2, match.Item3)
    End Sub

    Function Solve(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
        Dim matches As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
        Dim result As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
        Dim test As Integer(,)

        Dim maxX = input.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
        Dim maxY = input.GetUpperBound(1) - 1

        For x = 0 To maxX
            For y = 0 To maxY
                ReDim test(If(maxX - x > 4, 3, maxX - x), If(maxY - y > 4, 3, maxY - y))
                For x1 = x To x + test.GetLength(0) - 1
                    For y1 = y To y + test.GetLength(1) - 1
                        test(x1 - x, y1 - y) = input(y1, x1)

                'check if the result is a match
                For Each result In {IsMatchOnThird(test), IsMatchOnSecond(test), IsMatchOnFirst(test)}  '<-- Updated Line
                    If result.Item1 = True Then
                        Dim matchPoint = Tuple.Create(CInt(result.Item2.Item1.Split(","c)(0)),

                        matches.Add(Tuple.Create(GetColumnName(matchPoint.Item1 + x + 1) & CStr(matchPoint.Item2 + y + 1),
                                                 result.Item2.Item2, result.Item2.Item3))
                    End If

        Return RemoveDuplicates(matches)
    End Function

   Public Function GetColumnName(ByVal colIndex As Integer) As String
        Dim result As New List(Of String)

        Do While colIndex > 0
            result.Insert(0, Chr(65 + CInt((colIndex - 1) Mod 26)))
            colIndex = (colIndex - 1) \ 26

        Return String.Join("", result.ToArray)
    End Function

    Function RemoveDuplicates(ByVal list As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))) As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))

        'remove those where gems and swap direction are the same
        Dim l = (From i In list Order By i.Item3 Descending, i.Item1, i.Item2).ToList
        For i = l.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If (l(i).Item1 = l(i - 1).Item1) AndAlso (l(i).Item2 = l(i - 1).Item2) Then
            End If

        l = (From i In list Order By i.Item1, i.Item3 Descending).ToList
        For i = l.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If (l(i).Item1 = l(i - 1).Item1) AndAlso (l(i).Item2 = l(i - 1).Item2) Then
            End If

        Return From i In l Order By i.Item3 Descending, i.Item1
    End Function

    Function IsMatchOnThird(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
        Dim size = Math.Min(input.GetLength(0), 4).ToString & "C," & Math.Min(input.GetLength(1), 4).ToString & "R"
        Dim i = input
        Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))

        Select Case size
            Case "4C,4R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
                End If
            Case "4C,3R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
                End If
            Case "4C,2R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
                End If
            Case "3C,4R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
                End If
            Case "3C,3R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
                End If
            Case "3C,2R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
                End If
            Case "2C,4R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
                End If
            Case "2C,3R"
                If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 1)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, 3))
                ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                    Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
                End If
        End Select

        Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
    End Function

    Function IsMatchOnSecond(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
        Dim i = input
        Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))
        Dim xLength = input.GetLength(0)
        Dim yLength = input.GetLength(1)

        If xLength >= 3 AndAlso yLength >= 3 Then
            If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(2, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "L"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "R"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(2, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "R"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "U"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 2), i(2, 1)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "U"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 2), i(1, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "D"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "D"c, 3))
            End If
        End If

        Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
    End Function

    Private Function IsMatchOnFirst(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer)) '<-- New method
        Dim i = input
        Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))
        Dim xLength = input.GetLength(0)
        Dim yLength = input.GetLength(1)

        If xLength >= 3 AndAlso yLength >= 3 Then
            If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,0", "R"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(2, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "R"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(2, 0), i(1, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "L"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(0, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "L"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 1)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,0", "D"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 2), i(2, 2)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "D"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 0), i(2, 0)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "U"c, 3))
            ElseIf isValid({i(0, 2), i(1, 1), i(2, 1)}) Then
                Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "U"c, 3))
            End If
        End If

        Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
    End Function
End Module

顺便说一句:我从StackOverflow上的一个问题将它从 C# 转换为 VB.NET

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)
    Inherits Tuple(Of T1, T2)
    Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3))

    Private _third As T3

    Public Sub New(ByVal item1 As T1, ByVal item2 As T2, ByVal item3 As T3)
        MyBase.New(item1, item2)
        _third = item3
    End Sub

    Public Property Item3() As T3
            Return _third
        End Get
        Private Set(ByVal value As T3)
            _third = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal x As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal y As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)).Equals
        Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].Equals(x.Item1, y.Item1) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].Equals(x.Item2, y.Item2) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T3).[Default].Equals(x.Item3, y.Item3)
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
        Return TypeOf obj Is Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3) AndAlso Equals(Me, DirectCast(obj, Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)))
    End Function

    Public Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)).GetHashCode
        Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].GetHashCode(Item1) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].GetHashCode(Item2) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T3).[Default].GetHashCode(Item3)
    End Function

    Public Shared Shadows Operator =(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean
        If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
            Return True
        End If

        Return left.Equals(right)
    End Operator

    Public Shared Shadows Operator <>(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean
        If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If

        Return Not left.Equals(right)
    End Operator
End Class

Public Class Tuple(Of T1, T2)
    Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2))

    Public Property Item1() As T1
            Return _first
        End Get
        Private Set(ByVal value As T1)
            _first = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _first As T1

    Public Property Item2() As T2
            Return _second
        End Get
        Private Set(ByVal value As T2)
            _second = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _second As T2

    Public Sub New(ByVal item1 As T1, ByVal item2 As T2)
        _first = item1
        _second = item2
    End Sub

    Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal x As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal y As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2)).Equals
        Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].Equals(x.Item1, y.Item1) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].Equals(x.Item2, y.Item2)
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
        Return TypeOf obj Is Tuple(Of T1, T2) AndAlso Equals(Me, DirectCast(obj, Tuple(Of T1, T2)))
    End Function

    Public Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2)).GetHashCode
        Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].GetHashCode(Item1) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].GetHashCode(Item2)
    End Function

    Public Shared Operator =(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean
        If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
            Return True
        End If

        Return left.Equals(right)
    End Operator

    Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean
        If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If

        Return Not left.Equals(right)
    End Operator
End Class

Public MustInherit Class Tuple
    <DebuggerStepThrough()> _
    Public Shared Function Create(Of T1, T2)(ByVal first As T1, ByVal second As T2) As Tuple(Of T1, T2)
        Return New Tuple(Of T1, T2)(first, second)
    End Function

    <DebuggerStepThrough()> _
    Public Shared Function Create(Of T1, T2, T3)(ByVal first As T1, ByVal second As T2, ByVal third As T3) As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)
        Return New Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)(first, second, third)
    End Function

End Class


  1| 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 1
  2| 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 4
  3| 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 4
  4| 3 5 1 5 2 4 1 2
  5| 4 2 5 1 5 2 4 2
  6| 2 3 2 2 5 1 3 1
  7| 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 4
  8| 3 5 1 3 2 4 1 2

移动 B4 R 进行 4 场比赛
移动 D4 L 进行 4 场比赛
移动 B3 L 进行 3 场比赛
移动 B5 D 进行 3 场比赛
移动 C3 D 进行 3 场比赛
移动 C5 U 进行 3 场比赛
移动 D4 D 进行 3 场比赛
移动 E4 R 进行 3 场比赛
移动 F3 L 进行 3 场比赛


看来求解器无法在第一个 gem 上找到匹配项(请参见下面的示例)。




于 2011-03-03T14:58:52.203 回答


  • 在一行中扫描两个(或更多)相等的数字
  • 对于每条找到的线,检查两端的邻居是否包含会增加该线的元素
  • 如果你找到了一些东西,你有你的动作并且完成了


   0x0   x is the central point, 0 are the neighbours.


__0__   0 represents the line found
_X___   X represents the element that would augment the line.
于 2011-03-02T11:39:26.243 回答