I'm building a blog entry viewer and editor application in my Pharo image, and the entry content is formatted as Smalltalk code (the Seaside markup API is really nice). I'm pretty new to Smalltalk, so I was using this blog post as an example.
I currently have this for my BlogEditor>>open
| builder content |
builder := UITheme builder.
content := builder newColumn: {
builder newRow: {
builder newListFor: self
list: #entries
selected: #entrySelectedIndex
changeSelected: #entrySelectedIndex:
help: 'Blog entries'.
builder newRow: {
editor := builder
newTextEditorFor: self
getText: #readSelectedEntry
setText: #changeSelectedEntry:.
editor minHeight: 400 } }.
(content openInWindowLabeled: 'Entries') extent: 800@700
I don't know what to put in place of editor := builder newTextEditorFor:
. I saw the class SmalltalkEditor
, but I don't know how to put one on my UI.