
I have a content type in a drupal 8 site with the layout as shown in the image, I have used css grid for the layout and every section( f1, f2, f3 ....) is a field which needs to have paragraph bundles in them (pb1, pb2, .......).

This is just one type of content type, i have another in which the amount of fields go up to 40+, not to forget the paragraph bundles in them which are a group of 3-4 paragraphs each.

I am concerned about the performance of the site now and later in time when the site grows, its a magazine site and content needs to be written everyday.

Any help appreciated, thanks :)


1 回答 1


我在具有数百个节点字段的网站上工作过,通常发现将它们嵌套在可折叠的字段集中并默认折叠,停止了长时间等待字段 javascript 处理程序全部加载并在初始页面加载时启动。


于 2018-07-16T11:33:47.087 回答