我需要有选择地格式化段落的一部分,而 JEditorPane 是我能找到的唯一可以为我做这件事的东西。但是当我在编辑器窗格中有一条环绕的行并且在 SpringLayout 中它下方有一个元素绑定时,编辑器窗格不会显示其所有文本:它只显示与没有文本环绕的行一样多的行。如下面的示例所示,您放置在编辑器窗格下方的任何元素都具有正确的间距,如果文本被包裹,并且如果您仔细观察或尝试复制/粘贴内容,您会看到文本就在背景后面.
package main.java.com.characterCreator.GUI;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import static javax.swing.SpringLayout.*;
public class JavaPlz extends JFrame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> new JavaPlz().buildMainScreen());
public JavaPlz() {
setSize(1080, 720);
// because I'm edgy, and once you go black, you never go back.
public void buildMainScreen() {
setContentPane(new JPanel());
SpringLayout layout = new SpringLayout();
JLabel topLabel = new JLabel("This is the first thing");
layout.putConstraint(NORTH, topLabel, 10, NORTH, getContentPane());
layout.putConstraint(WEST, topLabel, 10, WEST, getContentPane());
layout.putConstraint(EAST, topLabel, -10, EAST, getContentPane());
JEditorPane problematicDisplay = new JEditorPane("text/html", null);
problematicDisplay.setText("<b>Bold stuff:</b> Not bold stuff<br><b>More Bold stuff</b> Lots of not bold stuff. Like, a copious, gargantuan, insanely way too much amount of not bold stuff. So much, even, that it will not all fit on the same line and will be forced to spill over onto the next, causing the problem I have that I am trying to solve.<br><b>Second to last line</b><br><i>jazz hands</i>");
layout.putConstraint(NORTH, problematicDisplay, 10, SOUTH, topLabel);
layout.putConstraint(WEST, problematicDisplay, 10, WEST, getContentPane());
layout.putConstraint(EAST, problematicDisplay, -10, EAST, getContentPane());
JLabel bottomLabel = new JLabel("This is the last thing.");
layout.putConstraint(NORTH, bottomLabel, 10, SOUTH, problematicDisplay);
layout.putConstraint(WEST, bottomLabel, 10, WEST, getContentPane());
layout.putConstraint(EAST, bottomLabel, -10, EAST, getContentPane());