我是 git 新手,我的目标是设置我的本地存储库并用于跟踪我的代码的更改。这是我所做的以及我面临的问题:
1. create a new remote repository(in my local network).(done using gitstack)
2. identify a local folder where mode is and use it as repository
3. CD to above folder and ran following command
$ git init
4. Then I added all the code into local git rep
$ git add .
I tried few things above, Once I noticed many files were not being tracked I used $ git add -A as well, but no difference
5. I then did my first commit
$ git commit -am "initial commit"
6. I added this to remote by this
$ git remote add origin https://ipaddress/repname.git
7. Finally I pushed all content of local to remote
$ git push origin master
8. At one point for item 7 I did this as well
$git push --set-upstream origin master and may be few other things
问题是无论我做什么,只跟踪几个文件,我的项目有编译成 C# dll 的代码以及一个 web 组件,dll 中的所有代码都被跟踪,但是 web 项目的一部分没有,这里是目录布局
由于某些原因,正在跟踪 tracked1 和 tracked2 中的文件,但对于其他任何事情,一旦我做出更改,我总是会得到这个
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean