我正在尝试合并文件夹中所有 Excel 文件中所有工作表的数据。所有工作表和所有文件都具有相同的标题和相同的数据集。我认为下面的代码会读取所有工作表,但它似乎只读取每个文件中的第一张工作表。

# This needs several other packages
# install.packages("XLConnect")

setwd("C:/Users/Excel/Desktop/Coding/R Programming/Excel/Excel_Files/")

fpattern <- "File.*.xls*?"  # pattern for filenames
output.file <- "Test.xls"
lfiles <- list.files(pattern = fpattern)

# Read data from all sheets
lfiles %>% 
  excel_sheets() %>% 
  set_names() %>% 
  map(read_excel, lfiles = lfiles)

2 回答 2


我认为以下内容可以满足您的需求。在此示例中,并非每个文件都具有相同的工作表或列;test2.xlsx 只有一张纸,而 test3.xlsx sheet1 没有 col3。它还标记每个文件的文件和工作表名称。


dir_path <- "~/test_dir/"         # target directory where the xlsx files are located. 
re_file <- "^test[0-9]\\.xlsx"    # regex pattern to match the file name format, in this case 'test1.xlsx', 'test2.xlsx' etc.

read_sheets <- function(dir_path, file){
  xlsx_file <- paste0(dir_path, file)
  xlsx_file %>%
    excel_sheets() %>%
    set_names() %>%
    map_df(read_excel, path = xlsx_file, .id = 'sheet_name') %>% 
    mutate(file_name = file) %>% 
    select(file_name, sheet_name, everything())

df <- list.files(dir_path, re_file) %>% 
  map_df(~ read_sheets(dir_path, .))

# A tibble: 15 x 5
   file_name  sheet_name  col1  col2  col3
   <chr>      <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 test1.xlsx Sheet1         1     2     4
 2 test1.xlsx Sheet1         3     2     3
 3 test1.xlsx Sheet1         2     4     4
 4 test1.xlsx Sheet2         3     3     1
 5 test1.xlsx Sheet2         2     2     2
 6 test1.xlsx Sheet2         4     3     4
 7 test2.xlsx Sheet1         1     3     5
 8 test2.xlsx Sheet1         4     4     3
 9 test2.xlsx Sheet1         1     2     2
10 test3.xlsx Sheet1         3     9    NA
11 test3.xlsx Sheet1         4     7    NA
12 test3.xlsx Sheet1         5     3    NA
13 test3.xlsx Sheet2         1     3     4
14 test3.xlsx Sheet2         2     5     9
15 test3.xlsx Sheet2         4     3     1
于 2018-07-18T01:38:41.057 回答

这是一个仅使用 R 基本函数和 XLConnect 的示例:


testDir <- "Excel_Files"

re_file <- ".+\\.xls.?"
testFiles <- list.files(testDir, re_file, full.names = TRUE)

# This function rbinds in a single dataframe
# the content of multiple sheets in the same workbook
# (assuming that all the sheets have the same column types)
rbindAllSheets <- function(file) {
  wb <- loadWorkbook(file)
  sheets <- getSheets(wb)
          lapply(sheets, function(sheet) {
            readWorksheet(wb, sheet)

# Getting a single dataframe for all the Excel files
result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(testFiles, rbindAllSheets))
于 2018-07-21T08:13:35.213 回答