

require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
browser.goto "https://google.com"

这是 OCRA 进程的命令行日志,我不得不通过 CTRL+C 退出代码,因为我离开了一个小时并且从未产生任何结果。有任何想法吗 ?

=== Loading script to check dependencies
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::ConfigFile
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::DependencyList
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::DependencyResolver
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::Installer
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::Licenses
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::Source
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::RequestSet
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::SpecFetcher
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Gem::SourceList
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of RubyInstaller::Runtime::Components::Base
=== WARNING: RubyInstaller::Runtime::Components::Base was defined autoloadable,
but caused NameError
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of RubyInstaller::Runtime::Colors
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of RubyInstaller::Runtime::ComponentsInstalle
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of RubyInstaller::Runtime::Ridk
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of RubyInstaller::Runtime::PACKAGE_VERSION
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::Edge
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::IE
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS
=== WARNING: Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS was not loadable
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::Safari
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of Selenium::WebDriver::Support
=== Attempting to trigger autoload of CGI::HtmlExtension
=== Detected gem did_you_mean-1.1.0 (loaded, files)
===     14 files, 32780 bytes
=== Detected gem ocra-1.3.10 (loaded, files)
===     5 files, 210830 bytes
=== Detected gem rubyzip-1.2.1 (loaded, files)
===     36 files, 92674 bytes
=== Detected gem ffi-1.9.25-x64-mingw32 (loaded, files)
===     70 files, 1785972 bytes
=== Detected gem childprocess-0.9.0 (loaded, files)
===     19 files, 43107 bytes
=== Detected gem selenium-webdriver-3.13.0 (loaded, files)
===     120 files, 1191026 bytes
=== Detected gem watir-6.11.0 (loaded, files)
===     97 files, 280749 bytes
=== Detected gem json-2.1.0 (loaded, files)
===     37 files, 1721174 bytes
=== Detected gem openssl-2.0.7 (loaded, files)
=== WARNING: Gem openssl-2.0.7 root folder was not found, skipping
=== Detected gem psych-2.2.2 (loaded, files)
=== WARNING: Gem psych-2.2.2 root folder was not found, skipping
=== Detected gem watir-scroll-0.4.0 (loaded, files)
===     9 files, 4494 bytes
=== Detected gem io-console-0.4.6 (loaded, files)
=== WARNING: Gem io-console-0.4.6 root folder was not found, skipping
=== Detected gem rake-12.0.0 (loaded, files)
===     43 files, 111973 bytes
=== Including 59 encoding support files (3909616 bytes, use --no-enc to exclude)

1 回答 1


你用的是什么红宝石版本?我用 2.3.3 和你需要的 gem 尝试了你的代码,但我得到了一些错误..

对于 OCRA,您可以在构建 exe 时尝试以下参数:

ocra script.rb --no-autoload --add-all-core


ocra script.rb --no-autoload --add-all-core --windows C:\Ruby23-x64\lib\tcltk\

--add-all-core=> 将所有核心 ruby​​ 库添加到可执行文件中。

--no-autoload=> 不要加载/包含 script.rb 的自动加载。

--windows <path-to-gui-folder>=> 强制 Windows 应用程序 (rubyw.exe)


从 OCRA git页面

$:.unshift File.dirname($0)如果您需要从与主脚本相同的目录中“需要”其他源文件,请在脚本的开头使用。

如果您需要将文件添加到 exe,只需将它们添加到命令行末尾,如下所示:

ocra script.rb --no-autoload --add-all-core src/**/* files/boo.txt

于 2018-07-14T16:18:47.057 回答