I have an Eclipse GWT project with two source folders: One for source code and one for resources. This should and does work fine, but nevertheless Eclipse shows the following error message:

Resource file style.css is missing (expected at com.example.gwt.client)

If have the a class Resources in my source code source folder:

package com.example.gwt.client;

import com.google.gwt.resources.client.*;

interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
    Style style();

The references CSS file is in the same package in the source folder I use for resources.

It's not really a problem, since it definitely works, but I would like to get rid of the error message in any case, it's making me nervous. Any ideas?


1 回答 1


请参阅此 GWT 问题。将资源文件夹配置为 Eclipse 中的源文件夹,编辑器中的错误将消失。

于 2011-02-27T19:20:21.167 回答