我阅读了各种帖子,并做了一个练习项目,但它不起作用。该表单有一个按钮和一个带有默认文本“更新 0 次”的文本框。在按钮单击时启动计时器,并且每次使用文本更新的次数更新文本。
不抛出跨线程调用的异常,但是在调用文本框时,其.Text = "",更新的是文本而不是窗体上的文本框。并且 InvokeRequired 始终为假。
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Here the textBox.Text = "Updated 0 times."
Dim checking_text As String = Me.TextBox1.Text
End Sub
Delegate Sub UpdateTextInvoke(ByVal new_text As String)
Public Sub UpdateText(ByVal new_text As String)
'Here the textBox.Text = ""
Dim txtB As TextBox = Me.TextBox1
'InvokeRequired always = False.
If txtB.InvokeRequired Then
Dim invk As New UpdateTextInvoke(AddressOf UpdateText)
txtB.Invoke(invk, New Object() {new_text})
'The value of this text box is updated, but the text on the form TextBox1 never changes
txtB.Text = new_text
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class TimerTest
Private Shared tmr As New System.Timers.Timer
Private Shared counter As Integer
Public Shared Sub StartTimer()
tmr.Interval = 5000
AddHandler tmr.Elapsed, AddressOf UdpateText
tmr.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UdpateText(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
counter += 1
Form1.UpdateText(String.Format("Updated {0} time(s).", counter))
End Sub
End Class
已解决在 TimerTest 类中添加了此代码“Private Shared myform As Form1 = Form1”,然后将“Form1.UpdateText”更改为“myform.UpdateText”