I'm trying to do uploading from my Ionic App to the codeigniter Rest Server but the image cannot be previewed when I open it. I'm referring to this tutorial to do the uploading from the app side https://www.djamware.com/post/5ae9c9ca80aca714d19d5b9f/ionic-3-angular-5-and-cordova-base64-image-upload-example

Here is my code from Ionic App:

img = { "data":"", "user_id":"" };

getPhoto() {
  let options = {
    maximumImagesCount: 1
    for(let i=0; i < results.length; i++){
      this.imgPreview = results[i];
      this.base64.encodeFile(results[i]).then((base64File: string) => {
        this.img.data = base64File;
        this.status = true;
      }, (err) => {

// Function to submit the data to rest api
  this.restProvider.postAction('my-rest-api-url', this.img).then((data)=>{
      this.msg = JSON.stringify(data['img']);
      this.restProvider.triggerToastMsg('Images uploaded to gallery.');

From my Rest Server in Codeigniter side :

function uploadImage_post(){
    $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
    $data = json_decode($postdata);

        $img = $data->data;
        $imgStr = substr($img, strpos($img, "base64,") + 7);
        $imgData = base64_decode($imgStr);
        $imgName = uniqid().'.jpg';

        $imgData = array(
            'author_id'   => $data->user_id,
            'file_src'    => $imgName,

        $root = dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
        $dir = $root.'/my-dir-goes-here';
        file_put_contents($dir.$imgName, $imgData);

            'http_status_code' => REST_Controller::HTTP_OK,
            'status' => true,
            'statusMsg' => 'OK'
        ], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);

From what you can see on the api side, the $data->data will resulting the encoded base64 which is something like data:image/*;charset=utf-8;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZjRgA....................

So, in order to remove the data:image/*;charset=utf-8;base64, I use the substr() to get the data after it /9j/4AAQSkZjRgA.................... then only I decode it back. I manage to upload it to my server directory but when I tried to open the image, it doesn't open it. It will appear something like image corrupted. The image filesize also just small which is 19 bytes


1 回答 1


仔细查看您的休息服务器端。您已经分配$imgData了两次值,即将解码的 base64 的值替换为数组值。这就是为什么您的在线代码file_put_contents($dir.$imgName, $imgData);无法获取您要保存的图像的原因。


$img = $data->data;
$imgStr = substr($img, strpos($img, "base64,") + 7);
$imgData = base64_decode($imgStr);
$imgName = uniqid().'.jpg';

$root = dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
$dir = $root.'/my-dir-goes-here';
file_put_contents($dir.$imgName, $imgData);

$imgData = array(
    'author_id'   => $data->user_id,
    'file_src'    => $imgName,

于 2018-07-17T03:53:50.373 回答