我正在为我正在构建的应用程序运行 CodeIgniter 1.7.3、Datamapper DMZ 1.7.1(不,升级不是一种选择)、MySQL 5.1 和Cron Job Boostrapper 。我正在尝试从 XML 文件中提取信息并将其保存到数据库中。获取数据工作得很好,从数据库获取数据也是如此,所以我知道这既不是数据库连接的问题,也不是 XML 文件的问题。

$this->site = $this->site->get_by_short_name('site');

//Load the XML files into variables so we can do stuff with them.
$doctors = simplexml_load_file(realpath('../xml/doctors.xml'));

foreach ($doctors->children() as $doctor) {
    $dr = new Doctor();
    $attrs = $doctor->attributes();
    /* See if the Doctor already exists. If so, update it.
     * Datamapper won't update fields that don't change, so if nothing's
     * changed, then the DB call won't be made.
    $dr->drkey = $attrs['Key'];
    $dr->first_name = $doctor->FirstName;
    $dr->middle_name = $doctor->MiddleName;
    $dr->last_name = $doctor->LastName;
    $dr->long_name = $doctor->LongName;
    $dr->degrees = $doctor->Degrees;
    $dr->pic = $doctor->ImageURL;


我还尝试绕过 Datamapper 并直接$this->db->insert('doctors',$data)将数据转换为数组,但数据仍然没有保存。我还尝试从浏览器运行它(绕过引导程序)以查看问题是否与从命令行运行有关,但这也不起作用。我也没有自动加载任何会话或身份验证库,因此不会触发引导程序的已知问题。



1 回答 1


I've found what was going on. It turns out that the attributes of the SimpleXML objects (the individual records) weren't getting picked up by Datamapper as strings, so they weren't getting escaped, and MySQL was choking. Typecasting them when setting the model object's values ($dr->first_name = (string)$doctor->First_Name;) fixed this problem.

I was able to get the insert query through $dr->check_last_query() after the object attempts to save.

于 2011-02-28T19:04:41.583 回答