我正在尝试在 MATLAB中实现“随机梯度下降”。我完全遵循了算法,但我得到了一个非常非常大的 w (系数)用于预测/拟合函数。我的算法有错误吗?
x = 0:0.1:2*pi // X-axis
n = size(x,2);
r = -0.2+(0.4).*rand(n,1); //generating random noise to be added to the sin(x) function
for i=1:n
t(i)=sin(x(i))+r(i); // adding the noise
y(i)=sin(x(i)); // the function without noise
f = round(1+rand(20,1)*n); //generating random indexes
h = x(f); //choosing random x points
k = t(f); //chossing random y points
m=size(h,2); // length of the h vector
scatter(h,k,'Red'); // drawing the training points (with noise)
hold on;
plot(x,sin(x)); // plotting the Sin function
w = [0.3 1 0.5]; // starting point of w
a=0.05; // learning rate "alpha"
// ---------------- ALGORITHM ---------------------//
for i=1:20
v = [1 h(i) h(i).^2]; // X vector
e = ((w*v') - k(i)).*v; // prediction - observation
w = w - a*e; // updating w
hold on;
l = 0:1:6;
g = w(1)+w(2)*l+w(3)*(l.^2);
plot(l,g,'Yellow'); // drawing the prediction function