I'm developing an application that needs to synchronize the time on a server with the time on the device. Blackberry devices have the net.rim.device.api.system.Device.setDateTime(long dateTimeMillis) method for this. I'm looking for something similar in Java ME devices.

I can live with manufacturer specific APIs - specialy nokia, sony ericsson and motorola ones, and most JSRs.

Does anyone know if there is any way to do this?


2 回答 2


出于某些安全原因,您不能使用 Java-me。所以你不能改变系统的内部时间。您只能获取当前时间。

于 2011-02-25T05:53:03.027 回答

大多数制造商,例如诺基亚,在 Java 中没有该功能。您可能需要查看 Symbian C++ 和其他特定于平台的开发工具。

于 2011-02-24T21:57:38.260 回答