我在 pdp-11 中打印消息时遇到问题。代码是:

tks = 177560
tkb = 177562
tps = 177564
tpb = 177566

mask1:   .word 177600   
WELM:    .ascii<Welcome to Shir and Maya checkers game!>            

SOG:     mov #0,r2
     movb WELM(r2),r1; put the letters in r1 by order
     bic mask1,r1; clear high byte                                   
     tstb @#tps; while the printer is busy          
     bpl .-4;                                     
     mov r1,@#tpb; send to the printer                               
     inc r2; add 1 to r2                                             
     cmp #46,r2; untill end  of the string                           
     bge .-32;  repeat

输出应该是消息:Welcome to Shir and Maya checkers game!

相反,我们得到的信息是:欢迎 tol@r 和 Maya 跳棋游戏!




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