一种方法来处理我的一些数据处理和 IO 问题。特别shared_work
“池”。如果我想在 4 个线程之间共享处理数据中的一组 12 根光纤,而同时另一组 12 根光纤正在将处理后的数据写入另外 4 个线程之间共享的文件,我该怎么办。
typedef boost::fibers::fiber FiberType;
typedef std::unique_lock<boost::fibers::mutex> LockType;
static const int fiberIterationCount = 5000;
static const int fiberCount = 12;
static const int threadCount = 4;
static const int distLowerLimit = 50;
static const int distUpperLimit = 500;
static boost::fibers::mutex firstMutex{};
static boost::fibers::mutex secondMutex{};
static boost::fibers::condition_variable firstCondition{};
static boost::fibers::condition_variable secondCondition{};
static boost::fibers::barrier synchronize{2*threadCount};
static int typeOneFibersFinished{0};
static int typeTwoFibersFinished{0};
static std::mt19937 typeOneGenerators[fiberCount];
static std::mt19937 typeTwoGenerators[fiberCount];
static std::mutex typeMapMutex;//lock for writing unnecessary for reads
static std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> threadTypeMap;
//simple function to give a heavy cpu load of variable duration
unsigned long long findPrimeNumber(int n)
int count=0;
unsigned long long a = 2;
bool isPrime = true;
for(unsigned long long b = 2; (b * b) <= a; ++b)
if((a % b) == 0)
isPrime = false;
return (a - 1);
void fiberTypeOne(int fiberNumber)
std::cout<<"Starting Type One Fiber #"<<fiberNumber;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(distLowerLimit, distUpperLimit);
for(int i=0; i<fiberIterationCount; ++i)
//generate a randomish load on this fiber so that it does not take a regular time slice
int tempPrime = dist(typeOneGenerators[fiberNumber]);
unsigned long long temp = findPrimeNumber(tempPrime);
std::cout << "T1 fiber #"<<fiberNumber<<" running on "<<threadTypeMap[std::this_thread::get_id()]
<<"\n Generated: "<<tempPrime<<", "<<temp;
LockType lock(firstMutex);
void threadTypeOne(int threadNumber)
//make a shared work scheduler that associates its fibers with "fiber pool 0"
boost::fibers::use_scheduling_algorithm< multi_pool_scheduler<0> >();
std::cout<<"Starting Type One Thread #"<<threadNumber<<" With Thread ID: "<<std::this_thread::get_id();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{typeMapMutex};
std::ostringstream gen;
gen<<"Thread Type 1 - Number: "<<threadNumber<<" with id: "<<std::this_thread::get_id();
threadTypeMap[std::this_thread::get_id()] = gen.str();
if(threadNumber == 0)
{ //if we are thread zero, create the fibers then join them to take ourselves off the "fiber list"
std::cout<<"Spawning Type One Fibers";
for(int fiberNumber=0; fiberNumber<fiberCount; ++fiberNumber)
{//create the fibers and instantly detach them
FiberType(boost::bind(&fiberTypeOne, fiberNumber)).detach();
std::cout<<"T1 Thread preparing to wait";
//now let the fibers do their thing
LockType lock(firstMutex);
firstCondition.wait(lock, [](){return (typeOneFibersFinished == fiberCount);});
void fiberTypeTwo(int fiberNumber)
std::cout<<"Starting Type Two Fiber #"<<fiberNumber;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(distLowerLimit, distUpperLimit);
for(int i=0; i<fiberIterationCount; ++i)
//generate a randomish load on this fiber so that it does not take a regular time slice
int tempPrime = dist(typeTwoGenerators[fiberNumber]);
unsigned long long temp = findPrimeNumber(tempPrime);
std::cout << "T2 fiber #"<<fiberNumber<<" running on "<<threadTypeMap[std::this_thread::get_id()]
<<"\n Generated: "<<tempPrime<<", "<<temp;
LockType lock(secondMutex);
void threadTypeTwo(int threadNumber)
//make a shared work scheduler that associates its fibers with "fiber pool 1"
boost::fibers::use_scheduling_algorithm< multi_pool_scheduler<1> >();
std::cout<<"Starting Type Two Thread #"<<threadNumber<<" With Thread ID: "<<std::this_thread::get_id();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{typeMapMutex};
std::ostringstream gen;
gen<<"Thread Type 2 - Number: "<<threadNumber<<" with id: "<<std::this_thread::get_id();
threadTypeMap[std::this_thread::get_id()] = gen.str();
if(threadNumber == 0)
{ //if we are thread zero, create the fibers then join them to take ourselves off the "fiber list"
std::cout<<"Spawning Type Two Fibers";
for(int fiberNumber=0; fiberNumber<fiberCount; ++fiberNumber)
{//create the fibers and instantly detach them
FiberType(boost::bind(&fiberTypeTwo, fiberNumber)).detach();
std::cout<<"T2 Thread preparing to wait";
//now let the fibers do their thing
LockType lock(secondMutex);
secondCondition.wait(lock, [](){return (typeTwoFibersFinished == fiberCount);});
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout<<"Initializing Random Number Generators";
for(unsigned i=0; i<fiberCount; ++i)
typeOneGenerators->seed(i*500U - 1U);
typeTwoGenerators->seed(i*1500U - 1U);
std::cout<<"Commencing Main Thread Startup Startup";
std::vector<std::thread> typeOneThreads;
std::vector<std::thread> typeTwoThreads;
for(int i=0; i<threadCount; ++i)
typeOneThreads.emplace_back(std::thread(boost::bind(&threadTypeOne, i)));
typeTwoThreads.emplace_back(std::thread(boost::bind(&threadTypeTwo, i)));
//now let the threads do their thing and wait for them to finish with join
for(unsigned i=0; i<threadCount; ++i)
for(unsigned i=0; i<threadCount; ++i)
std::cout<<"Shutting Down";
return 0;