在我的 Windows 机器上使用 Texlipse 和 Miktex 2.9 时,每次编译文档时系统都会抛出 NullPointerExcpetion。
在我使用更新管理器更新 Miktex 2.9 发行版后,问题消失了。希望这可以帮助其他有同样问题的人。
问候, Pwndrian
To me it happens too.
This is a workaround I did, however I think that it is not quite optimal solution. I saw that there is a bug opened http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3306779&group_id=133306&atid=726818.
There is the class net.sourceforge.texlipse.builder.TExlipseBuilder
, I made the following changes to overcome this problem(Please note the differences in both functions). The problem is that in TExlipsePlugin in the function getCurrentProject the actEditor is null since there is no active editor when importing projects or when pressing on clean while no editor is open.
protected IProject[] build(int kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws CoreException {
IWorkbenchPage page = TexlipsePlugin.getCurrentWorkbenchPage();
IEditorPart actEditor = null;
if (page.isEditorAreaVisible()
&& page.getActiveEditor() != null) {
actEditor = page.getActiveEditor();
if ( actEditor == null )
return null;
if (isUpToDate(getProject()))
return null;
Object s = TexlipseProperties.getProjectProperty(getProject(), TexlipseProperties.PARTIAL_BUILD_PROPERTY);
if (s != null) {
} else {
buildFile(null, monitor);
return null;
* Clean the temporary files.
* @see IncrementalProjectBuilder.clean
protected void clean(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
IProject project = getProject();
IWorkbenchPage page = TexlipsePlugin.getCurrentWorkbenchPage();
IEditorPart actEditor = null;
if (page.isEditorAreaVisible()
&& page.getActiveEditor() != null) {
actEditor = page.getActiveEditor();
if ( actEditor == null )
// reset session variables
TexlipseProperties.setSessionProperty(project, TexlipseProperties.SESSION_LATEX_RERUN, null);
TexlipseProperties.setSessionProperty(project, TexlipseProperties.SESSION_BIBTEX_RERUN, null);
TexlipseProperties.setSessionProperty(project, TexlipseProperties.BIBFILES_CHANGED, null);
// check main file
String mainFile = TexlipseProperties.getProjectProperty(project, TexlipseProperties.MAINFILE_PROPERTY);
if (mainFile == null || mainFile.length() == 0) {
// main tex file not set -> nothing builded -> nothing to clean
cleanTempDir(monitor, project);
cleanOutput(monitor, project);
project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);