
我正在尝试使用在数组已满时扩展的循环数组来实现 Deque。我的问题似乎是数组拒绝扩展。要么我计算 size() 不正确,要么我更新前后索引的方式有问题。我已经看过很多次了,我似乎明白了这一点。任何人都可以帮忙吗?

public class ArrayDeque
       public static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 8;   // initial array capacity
       protected int capacity;  // current capacity of the array
       protected int front;     // index of the front element
       protected int rear;      // index of the rear element
       protected int[] A;       // array deque

       public ArrayDeque( )      // constructor method
          A = new int[ INIT_CAPACITY ];
          capacity = INIT_CAPACITY;
          front = rear = 0;

         * Display the content of the deque
        public void printDeque( )
          for ( int i = front; i != rear; i = (i+1) % capacity )
              System.out.print( A[i] + " " );
         * Returns the number of items in this collection.
        public int size()
            return (capacity - front + rear) % capacity;
         * Returns true if this collection is empty.
        public boolean isEmpty()
            return front == rear;
         * Returns the first element of the deque
        public int getFirst() throws EmptyDequeException
                throw new EmptyDequeException("Deque is empty.");
            return A[front % capacity];       
         * Returns the last element of the deque
        public int getLast() throws EmptyDequeException
                throw new EmptyDequeException("Deque is empty.");
            return A[(rear - 1) % capacity];        
         * Inserts e at the beginning (as the first element) of the deque
         * If array is full, extend array by doubling its capacity and insert element in new array
        public void insertFirst(int e)
            if(size() == capacity){
                int[] B = new int[2*capacity];
                for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++){
                    B[i] = A[i];
                A = B;
            int[] B = new int[capacity];
            for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++){
                B[i] = A[i];
            A = B;
            for(int i = size(); i >= front; i--){
                A[i+1] = A[i];
            A[front] = e;
            rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;
         * Inserts e at the end (as the last element) of the deque
         * If array is full, extend array by doubling its capacity and insert element in new array
        public void insertLast(int e)
            if(size() == capacity){
                capacity *= 2;
                int[] B = new int[capacity];
                for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++){
                    B[i] = A[i];
                A = B;
            A[rear] = e;
            rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;
         * Removes and returns the first element of the deque
         * Shrink array by half of current size N when number of elements in the deque falls below N/4
         * minimum capacity should always be 8
        public int removeFirst() throws EmptyDequeException
                throw new EmptyDequeException("Deque is empty.");
            else if(capacity >= 8){
                if(size() < capacity/4){
                    capacity /= 2;
                    int[] B = new int[capacity];
                    for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++){
                        B[i] = A[i];
                    A = B;
            int temp = A[front];
            A[front] = 0;
            front = (front + 1) % capacity;
            return temp;
         * Removes and returns the last element of the deque
         * Shrink array by half of current size N when number of elements in the deque falls below N/4
         * minimum capacity should always be 8
        public int removeLast() throws EmptyDequeException
                throw new EmptyDequeException("Deque is empty.");
            else if(capacity >= 8){
                if(size() < capacity/4){
                    int[] B = new int[capacity/2];
                    for(int i = 0; i < capacity; i++){
                        B[i] = A[i];
                    A = B;
            int temp = A[rear - 1];
            A[rear] = 0;
            rear = (rear - 1) % capacity;
            return temp;
    }  // end class


for(i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

for(i = 1; i <= 99; i++)
   k = q.removeFirst();

测试输出:我设置了几个打印语句,由于某种原因,大小始终保持在 7...

Exception in thread "main" A3.EmptyDequeException: Deque is empty.
    at A3.ArrayDeque.removeFirst(ArrayDeque.java:133)
    at A3.ArrayMain.main(ArrayMain.java:37)

2 回答 2



如果您的最大容量为 8,那么您的队列可以有 9 个总大小状态:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 和 8。

ANY_NUMBER % 8 只能有 8 个状态:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 和 7。


于 2011-02-24T01:07:46.757 回答

查看您的 insertFirst 方法,以及当数组已满时它会做什么。阅读整个方法,不仅仅是第一个 if 块。你有没有改变过你的能力?

于 2011-02-24T01:14:37.507 回答