我有一个包含 100 个元素的数组。数组元素是一组 1 和 0。例如:

Array[100] = {0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,....,1}

我需要找到所有零窗口(间隙)并随机选择其中一个。间隙的大小(需要)根据 1 到 20 之间的均匀分布来选择。

 needed = op_dist_load ("uniform_int", 1, 20);

例如,如果我们假设 Array[100] 中的其余元素等于 1,如您所见,我有 8 个零窗口(窗口大小 = 2)。我需要找到他们。

find_gap_randomly函数选择 2 个连续的零元素(具有 2 个零元素的子数组意味着我的程序中存在间隙)。你对find_gap_randomly(int needed)用 C 语言编写函数代码而不使用随机库有什么建议,最好是 OPNET 模拟器?

static void find_gap_randomly(int needed)
    //The macros “FIN” and “FOUT” are used in OPNET functions to enable the OPNET 
    //debugging kernel to print out function information. 
    /* ... */

1 回答 1


如果您仍在努力寻找 ,中的间隙Array间隙定义为至少needed长度的连续零元素的数量),那么找到所有间隙的简单直接的方法是移动“滑动窗口needed数组的长度,检查窗口内的所有值是否为零。如果它们都为零,则您发现了一个间隙,如果没有,则移动到下一个索引Array并重复。


    |       |  <= window to slide over array
    |       |
    | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |   <= array values
    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   <= array indexes
    |       |

如上所示,您有显示的前九个元素Array,以及下面每个元素的相应索引。因为你needed2你有一个窗口,2-elements你将从头到尾Array检查其中的值。这可以通过两个嵌套循环简单地完成,外循环循环 while i = needed; i < num_elements; i++,然后内循环从 迭代j = i - needed; j < i; j++

要捕获内部间隙的Array位置,请使用第二个数组(我称为gaps),其中包含与初始化的相同数量的元素Array All zero。当您找到一个区域内Arrayneeded许多连续元素时,您只需递增gaps[j]++;以将值设置为gaps[j]from 0to 1。(取决于 的范围,如果超出范围j,您可能需要增加。gaps[i-needed]++;j



/** find_gaps locates each sequence of all zero within 'array' of
 *  at least 'needed' length, the corresponding index within 'gaps'
 *  is incremented to identify the start of each gap, returns the
 *  number of gaps of 'needed' length in 'array'.
int find_gaps (int *gaps, int *arr, int nelem, int needed)
    int ngaps = 0;  /* count of gaps found */
    /* add code to validate parameters here */

    memset (gaps, 0, nelem * sizeof *gaps);     /* zero gaps array */
    for (int i = needed; i < nelem; i++) {      /* loop needed to end */
        for (int j = i - needed; j < i; j++) {  /* loop previous needed */
            if (arr[j] != 0)    /* if non-zero value, get next in array */
                goto next;      /* lowly 'goto' works fine here */
        gaps[i-needed]++;   /* increment index in gaps */
        ngaps++;            /* increment no. of gaps found */

    return ngaps;   /* return no. of gaps found */




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

/** find_gaps locates each sequence of all zero within 'array' of
 *  at least 'needed' length, the corresponding index within 'gaps'
 *  is incremented to identify the start of each gap, returns the
 *  number of gaps of 'needed' length in 'array'.
int find_gaps (int *gaps, int *arr, int nelem, int needed)
    int ngaps = 0;  /* count of gaps found */
    /* add code to validate parameters here */

    memset (gaps, 0, nelem * sizeof *gaps);     /* zero gaps array */
    for (int i = needed; i < nelem; i++) {      /* loop needed to end */
        for (int j = i - needed; j < i; j++) {  /* loop previous needed */
            if (arr[j] != 0)    /* if non-zero value, get next in array */
                goto next;      /* lowly 'goto' works fine here */
        gaps[i-needed]++;   /* increment index in gaps */
        ngaps++;            /* increment no. of gaps found */

    return ngaps;   /* return no. of gaps found */

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    int array[] = { 0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,
                    0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1 },
        nelem = sizeof array / sizeof *array,   /* number of elements */
        gaps[nelem],    /* a VLA is fine here C99+, otherwise allocate */
        ngaps = 0,      /* no. of gaps found */
        needed = argc > 1 ? strtol (argv[1], NULL, 0) : 2;  /* (default: 2) */

    if (errno) {    /* validate strtol conversion succeeded */
        perror ("strtol-argv[1]");
        return 1;
    /* find the number of gaps, storing beginning index in 'gaps' array */
    ngaps = find_gaps (gaps, array, nelem, needed);

    printf ("gaps found: %d\n", ngaps);         /* output number of gaps */
    for (int i = 0; ngaps && i < nelem; i++)    /* output index of gaps */
        if (gaps[i])
            printf (" gap at array[%2d]\n", i);

    return 0;

注意:您应该添加needed小于 的检查nelem,但这和任何其他验证都留给您作为练习)


$ ./bin/findgaps
gaps found: 11
 gap at array[ 0]
 gap at array[ 9]
 gap at array[10]
 gap at array[11]
 gap at array[12]
 gap at array[18]
 gap at array[19]
 gap at array[25]
 gap at array[26]
 gap at array[32]
 gap at array[37]

检查至少 3 个零的间隙:

$ ./bin/findgaps 3
gaps found: 5
 gap at array[ 9]
 gap at array[10]
 gap at array[11]
 gap at array[18]
 gap at array[25]

有几种方法可以解决这个问题,但滑动窗口可能是最直接的方法之一,而且滑动窗口在 C 语言中有许多其他应用程序,因此非常值得将其添加到您的工具箱中。如果您还有其他问题,请告诉我。

于 2018-06-23T00:43:27.627 回答