我正在开发一个绘制数据树的闪亮应用程序。我正在寻找合并 shinyTree 应用程序以允许快速比较绘制的节点。问题是 shinyTree 应用程序返回子节点图列表的冗余列表。


列表的实际列表包括在下面。我只想保留最长的树枝。我还想删除 id 节点(整数节点),我正在努力为什么它甚至会根据列表显示。我尝试了许多不同的方法来处理这个列表,但这是一场真正的斗争。列表的概念很难理解。

我通过以下方式创建 data.tree 和绘图:

dataTree.a <- FromListSimple(checkList)
> checkList
[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

[1] 0

1 回答 1



checkList <- get_selected(tree, format = "slices")

  # Convert and collapse shinyTree slices to data.tree
  #   This is a bit of a cluge to work the graphic with
  # shinyTree an alternate one liner is in works
  #   This transform works by finding the longest branches
  # and only plotting them since the other branches are
  # subsets due to the slices.

  # Extract the checkList name (as characters) from the checkList
  tmp <- names(unlist(checkList)) 

  # Determine the length of the individual checkList Names
  lens <- lapply(tmp, function(x) length(strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]))

  # Find the elements with the highest length returns a list of high vals
  lens.max <- which(lens == max(sapply(lens, max)))

  # Replace all '.' with '\' prepping for DataFrameTable Converions
  tmp <- relist(str_replace_all(tmp, "\\.", "/"), skeleton=tmp)

  # Add a root node to work with multiple branches
  tmp <- unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) paste0("Root/", x)))

  # Create a list of only the longest branches
  longBranches <- as.list(tmp[lens.max])

  # Convert the list into a data.frame for convert
  longBranches.df <- data.frame(pathString = do.call(rbind, longBranches))

  # Publish the data.frame for use 
  vals$selDF <- longBranches.df

  #save(checkList, file = "chkLists.RData") # Save for troubleshooting

  print(vals$selDF)ode here

新的 checkList 如下所示:

[1] "Root/Europe/France/Paris/Round/10843285"          "Root/Europe/France/Paris/Round"                  
 [3] "Root/Europe/France/Paris"                         "Root/Europe/France"                              
 [5] "Root/Europe/Germany/Berlin/Diamond/3563194"       "Root/Europe/Germany/Berlin/Diamond"              
 [7] "Root/Europe/Germany/Berlin/Round/3563194"         "Root/Europe/Germany/Berlin/Round"                
 [9] "Root/Europe/Germany/Berlin"                       "Root/Europe/Germany"                             
[11] "Root/Europe/Italy/Rome/Round/3717956"             "Root/Europe/Italy/Rome/Round"                    
[13] "Root/Europe/Italy/Rome"                           "Root/Europe/Italy"                               
[15] "Root/Europe/United Kingdom/London/Round/10313307" "Root/Europe/United Kingdom/London/Round"         
[17] "Root/Europe/United Kingdom/London"                "Root/Europe/United Kingdom"                      
[19] "Root/Europe"                                     


于 2018-06-21T20:34:37.993 回答