My website is making post requests to Postman's mock server. I want to be able to see my request to make sure that it is coming across in the way that I expect. I have tried attaching a monitor but that doesn't show me the request anywhere that I am able to find.

Where in the Postman Windows client can I see a request coming in to my Postman mock server?


3 回答 3


我联系了 Postman 支持,他们说目前我想做的事情是不可能的。有关信息,请参阅此链接:邮递员支持 Twitter 响应

但是他们确实说,如果我只想查看我发送的请求,我可以使用Postman Echo来查看我发送的请求类型。

于 2018-06-21T21:10:48.530 回答

现在可以查看对 Postman 模拟服务器发出的请求和发送的响应的日志。

模拟通话记录 - https://blog.postman.com/introducing-postman-mock-call-logs/

于 2020-06-03T13:05:07.083 回答


于 2018-06-21T19:55:32.577 回答