好的,所以我在网上找到了这个类,它“创建”了第二个不运行任何东西的桌面(即没有调用 explorer.exe 等等)。


注意:假设所有 win api 标头都已声明并工作。


namespace Locker
    class CLocker
        public static int DesktopHandle;                    // Hold desktop handle.
        public static int oldDesktopHandle;
        public static int DesktopInputID;                   // Hold desktop input id.
        public static int DesktopThreadID;                  // Hold desktop thread id.
        static string DesktopName = "DL.Locker.Desktop";    // Hold the name of new created desktop.
        static FileStream TaskMan;                          // Hold the file stream object to control task manager.
        static string FastSwitching = string.Empty;         // Hold the original value of fast switching i.e. welcome screen
        static string ShutdownWithoutLogin = string.Empty;  // Hold the original value of showinh the shutdown button on welcome screen.

        /// <summary>
        /// Enabled used to enable or disable the locker
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Enabled
                SetProcessPriorityHigh();                       // Set the process priority to high.
                if (value)                                      // Enable or disable the locker?
                    CreateNewDesktop();                         // Creating new desktop.
                    StartProcess(Application.ExecutablePath);   // Starting the locker form, to allow the user to enter login info.
                    DestroyDesktop();                           // Destroy the desktop.
                    ExitProcess(0);                             // Exit the current process, if desktop attached with no process, default desktop will be activated.

        public static bool NeedBootStrapping()
            Console.WriteLine((GetDesktopName() != DesktopName).ToString());
            return (GetDesktopName() != DesktopName);

        static string GetDesktopName()
            int DLength = 0, DHandle = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
            StringBuilder DName = new StringBuilder();
            GetUserObjectInformation(DHandle, UOI_NAME, DName, 0, ref DLength);
            if (DLength != 0) GetUserObjectInformation(DHandle, UOI_NAME, DName, DLength, ref DLength);
            return (DName.ToString());

        static void CreateNewDesktop()
            DesktopThreadID = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
            DesktopInputID = OpenInputDesktop(0, false, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP);
            DesktopHandle = CreateDesktop(DesktopName, "", 0, 0, GENERIC_ALL, 0);
            if (DesktopHandle != 0)

        public static void DestroyDesktop()
            DesktopInputID = 0;
            DesktopThreadID = 0;
            DesktopHandle = 0;

        static void StartProcess(string Path)
            MessageBox.Show("Hello from startProcess");

        static void SetProcessPriorityHigh()
            SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_BASE_PRIORITY_MAX);
            SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);

和 main() 函数:

static void Main()
            if (CLocker.NeedBootStrapping())
                CLocker.Enabled = true;        // Check if we need boot strapping or not, if true then a new desktop will created.
            else  // Run application as usual.
                MessageBox.Show("Hello, this is your new desktop");
                CLocker.Enabled = false;

更新:此代码无法编译。它在“当前上下文中不存在”的字样下方出现了大约 40 条红色波浪线。


1 回答 1


不要在隐藏的桌面实例上弹出需要用户输入才能清除的消息框。这通常也是在服务中托管 UI 代码的失败。

此外,在运行代码之前研究所有非托管 API 调用是个好主意。

于 2009-08-22T03:23:45.077 回答