我是flutter的新手,在使用flutter run命令运行应用程序时,它给了我这个错误。

The following StoreProviderError was thrown building StoreConnector<dynamic, dynamic>(dirty):

I/flutter ( 2958): Error: No StoreProvider<dynamic> found. To fix, please try:
I/flutter ( 2958):
I/flutter ( 2958):   * Using Dart 2 (required) by using the --preview-dart-2 flag
I/flutter ( 2958):   * Wrapping your MaterialApp with the StoreProvider<State>,
I/flutter ( 2958):   rather than an individual Route
I/flutter ( 2958):   * Providing full type information to your Store<State>,
I/flutter ( 2958):   StoreProvider<State> and StoreConnector<State, ViewModel>
I/flutter ( 2958):   * Ensure you are using consistent and complete imports.
I/flutter ( 2958):   E.g. always use `import 'package:my_app/app_state.dart';



  Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel beta, v0.5.1, on Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601], locale en-US)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 28.0.0)
[√] Android Studio (version 3.1)
[!] VS Code, 64-bit edition (version 1.24.1)
[√] Connected devices (1 available)

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