I have a stacked bar chart developed in Power BI which is bringing data for all the projects created in date and shows their actual as well planned budget. The chart also shows phases in which the project is currently now. Based on the data given, the graph is represetned like in the attached image shown.

enter image description here

As you can see the graph brings the project name (A & B) on Y-Axis and Duration In weeks on X-Axis. The duration in weeks is week difference between start date and end date. Instead, I now want 2 random dates to be displayed on the graph on X-Axis. The random dates could be anything like 01/01/2010 as start date and 01/01/2021 as end dates.

Alternatively, we can also take project start date and project end dates. Basically instead of duration in weeks on the X-Axis, I want dates (any kind)

Best regards


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