I have a multi-client application using Angular 5 for the front end and a Java REST based backend. The development has been done using the ng server. For production I want to provide an industry accepted server. My choice was Tomcat 9.0. I have configured the application to be located in
I have configured the WEB-INF/web.xml as
I have chosen the Hash Location Strategy options since I have been unable to get the Path Location Strategy to work. I would prefer the Path Location Strategy but I'm at the point I'd just like it to work.
When a user goes to
they will simply go to a non-working login page.
The first page the user should go to is
This does not work but should display a calendar with availability of dates depending on what is returned from the REST call. Instead it will show the non-working log in page.
I had configured the app-routing.module.ts with
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {useHash: true})
I built it with
ng build --base-href /ui --deploy-url /ui
I had copied the contents of dist into the /webapps/ui folder.
I am trying to find a good resource for either strategy where I can go to the route and have it display the same results as when testing using ng.