下面的 TSQL 脚本就像一个魅力:
declare @result as int
declare @myID as int
declare @sig as varchar(MAX)
declare @MsgBody as varchar(MAX)
declare @Attachments as varchar(MAX)
set @Attachments = '\\the-SQL-servers-host\the-share-
--set @Attachments = @Attachments + ';\\the-SQL-servers-host\the-share-
name\the Estimate #1002.pdf'
set @sig=
<td><img src="CID:image001.png"></td>
<tr> <td>Harry Abramowski</td></tr>
<tr> <td>Harry Abramowski Services, LLC</td></tr>
<tr> <td>myemail@HarryLLC.com</td></tr>
<tr> <td><A href="https://www.facebook.com/harryLLC/">Facebook</a></td>
set @MsgBody= 'This is my message. there is a signature at the bottom, with
logo. And what follows this sentence is a picture.<br> <img
+ '<BR>Pretty cool, Huh?<br><br>Harry' + @sig
EXEC @result=msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @Body_format=HTML, @profile_name =
@recipients = 'myemail@harryLLC.com',
@subject = 'The DBMail answer with logo insertion',
@Body = @MsgBody ,
--all of the following are optional
@file_attachments= @Attachments
--, @reply_to = 'myemail@harryLLC.com'
,@mailitem_ID = @myID OUTPUT
select items.mailitem_id, items.sent_status, items.sent_date from
msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems items where items.mailitem_id = @myID
但是,当我使用 VB6 代码使用上面更简单的 HTML 调用 msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 时,我无法让 image001.png 出现在消息中。它显示为附件。我已经考虑了两天,无法弄清楚 Outlook 在 vb6 代码和 SQL 脚本之间看到了什么不同..
你们中的任何一个 VB6 大师以前都处理过 DBMail 吗?哦,这是我在 VB6 中测试的子 - 它传递消息和图像文件。它只是没有像脚本那样在邮件消息中得到想象。
Private Sub hardcoded()
Dim ObjCommand As New ADODB.Command
ObjCommand.ActiveConnection = objConn
ObjCommand.CommandText = "msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail"
ObjCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
ObjCommand.NamedParameters = True
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@profile_name", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, "myemail@harryLLC.com")
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@Body_format", adVarChar, adParamInput, 5, "HTML")
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@recipients", adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, "myemail@harryLLC.com")
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@subject", adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, "Hardcoded test")
Dim BodyString As String
BodyString = "This is an inserted image that does not appear in the
attachments list." & _
"<BR>This is it right here => <img width=80 height=80 src=" & Chr(34) &
"CID:image001.png" & Chr(34) & ">"
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@Body", adVarChar, adParamInput, 4000, BodyString)
Dim AttachmentString As String
AttachmentString = "\\the-sql-host\theshare\myemail@harryLLC.com_files\image001.png"
ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@file_attachments", adVarChar, adParamInput, 500, Trim(AttachmentString))
ObjCommand.Parameters.Append ObjCommand.CreateParameter("@mailitem_id", adInteger, adParamOutput)
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
MsgBox "Your mail id is " & ObjCommand("@mailitem_id")
End If
End Sub