好的,我现在有一个可行的解决方案。这是一个将 MySQL 字段类型映射到 R 类的函数。这尤其有助于处理 MySQL 字段类型日期...
dbReadMap <- function(con,table){
statement <- paste("DESCRIBE ",table,sep="")
desc <- dbGetQuery(con=con,statement)[,1:2]
# strip row_names if exists because it's an attribute and not real column
# otherweise it causes problems with the row count if the table has a row_names col
if(length(grep(pattern="row_names",x=desc)) != 0){
x <- grep(pattern="row_names",x=desc)
desc <- desc[-x,]
# replace length output in brackets that is returned by describe
desc[,2] <- gsub("[^a-z]","",desc[,2])
# building a dictionary
fieldtypes <- c("int","tinyint","bigint","float","double","date","character","varchar","text")
rclasses <- c("as.numeric","as.numeric","as.numeric","as.numeric","as.numeric","as.Date","as.character","as.character","as.character")
fieldtype_to_rclass = cbind(fieldtypes,rclasses)
map <- merge(fieldtype_to_rclass,desc,by.x="fieldtypes",by.y="Type")
map$rclasses <- as.character(map$rclasses)
#get data
res <- dbReadTable(con=con,table)
for(i in 1:length(map$rclasses)) {
cvn <- call(map$rclasses[i],res[,map$Field[i]])
res[map$Field[i]] <- eval(cvn)
如果您对映射字典有建议,请告诉我 :)