$jQuery.fn.liScroll = function(settings) {
settings = jQuery.extend({
travelocity: 0.03
}, settings);
return this.each(function(){
var $strip = jQuery(this);
var stripHeight = 1;
stripHeight += jQuery(this, i).outerHeight(true); // thanks to Michael Haszprunar and Fabien Volpi
var $mask = $strip.wrap("<div class='mask'></div>");
var $tickercontainer = $strip.parent().wrap("<div class='tickercontainer'></div>");
var containerHeight = $strip.parent().parent().height(); //a.k.a. 'mask' width
var totalTravel = stripHeight;
var defTiming = totalTravel/settings.travelocity; // thanks to Scott Waye
function scrollnews(spazio, tempo){
$strip.animate({top: '-='+ spazio}, tempo, "linear", function(){$strip.css("top", containerHeight); scrollnews(totalTravel, defTiming);});
scrollnews(totalTravel, defTiming);
var offset = jQuery(this).offset();
var residualSpace = offset.top + stripHeight;
var residualTime = residualSpace/settings.travelocity;
scrollnews(residualSpace, residualTime);