在我的工作中有一些关于使用 Jack Slocum 的 EXTjs 库作为 YUI(已经在使用)的扩展来开发项目的讨论。如果可能的话,我想帮助避免对 EXTjs 的商业许可模型的依赖。

EXTjs 所需的两个主要功能是 EditorGridPanel 和 ColumnTree。

据我所知,自 2.6.0 以来,YUI 似乎已将 EditorGridPanel 功能添加到其 DataGrid 中。使用 YUI 的内置功能是否有一些重要的警告?关于 EditorGridPanel,还有什么更巧妙的方法吗?

至于 ColumnTree... 我没有看到任何简单的 YUI 替代此功能集。YUI 中是否有一些我没有看到的东西?现在 YUI 几乎没有使用,还有其他好的选择吗?

是否最好硬着头皮为这种功能支付 EXTjs(并处理商业许可证依赖)?


2 回答 2


我一直在寻找像你这样的 ExtJS 替代品。我打算使用框架开发一个基于 Web 的应用程序,以避免浪费宝贵的时间。

你太近了,找不到正确的页面,这里是:[ ExtJS 的替代品是什么?


BackBase [ http://demo.backbase.com/explorer/] [ http://demo.backbase.com/layouts/] [ http://demo.backbase.com/layouts/layout7/index.html]

jQuery [ http://ui.jquery.com/home]

qooxdoo [ http://qooxdoo.org/][http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/demobrowser/][http://ui.jquery.com/themeroller/ ] _ _ _


于 2009-02-04T01:47:18.693 回答

My employer recently went through a similar evaluation with regard to the EXT widget library. Our criteria were slightly different in that we were looking for a widget library that would plug into GWT and provide a more polished widget set than those provided by the default GWT implementation. After a month of evaluation, our team concluded that the EXT license fees are a small price to pay for the functionality gained. Again, we're not using the raw javascript library, but we have been very pleased with GXT. In my opinion the library is a bit under-documented but it does work solidly across different browsers. One thing for sure, their editor grid is very slick.

于 2009-02-04T02:31:13.347 回答