像“Mac 显示器使用更多颜色”这样的文本屏幕截图,显然在 Windows 上只显示 2 种颜色(黑色和白色),在 Mac 上显示近 240 种独特颜色。两幅图像均已保存为 BMP。
谁能解释为什么会有如此巨大的差异以及如何以我只得到 2 种颜色而不是 240 种不同颜色(不同深浅的灰色、黑色)的方式捕捉或阅读?
像“Mac 显示器使用更多颜色”这样的文本屏幕截图,显然在 Windows 上只显示 2 种颜色(黑色和白色),在 Mac 上显示近 240 种独特颜色。两幅图像均已保存为 BMP。
谁能解释为什么会有如此巨大的差异以及如何以我只得到 2 种颜色而不是 240 种不同颜色(不同深浅的灰色、黑色)的方式捕捉或阅读?
To be clear, the much greater range of colours is due to sub-pixel antialiasing being used on the Mac, and presumably turned off (or otherwise not showing in the screendump) on Windows.
SPAA takes advantage of knowledge that each pixel on an LCD is actually three sub-pixels which are controlled independently. So even though a whole pixel width might be coloured in the screen capture, when displayed only a third (or perhaps two-thirds) of the pixel is lit.
Much more info is available on wikipedia, as per usual!
它是抗锯齿的,如果打开 ClearType,Windows 也会这样做。