I am developing an app using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET in Visual Studio Community 2017, currently set to Debug configuration.

There are these two black boxes/squares with numbers in them, one floats top left of the app window and another one floats top right of my desktop. I have outline the one floating in the app in red in the following image: Black box floating in app window with ArcGIS Runtime app for .NET

I assume its some sort of debug information specific to the ArcGIS SDK but searching online has yielded no results and the documentation on the ESRI website does not seem to make mention of it.

Note: It does not display when running the app on an android device, only when running the UWP version.

I would like to know what they are (1) and (2) How to enable and disable them.


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这是 UWP 和 Visual Studio 提供的调试功能。您发布的屏幕截图中有两个黑条:

  • 中间是 XAML 调试工具。您可以通过转到工具> 选项> 调试> 常规并取消选中“为 XAML 启用 UI 调试工具”来禁用此功能。
  • 左边是帧率计数器。您可以在代码中禁用它:

App.xaml.cs中(在 UWP 项目中):

    #if DEBUG
    if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
        DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter = false;

请注意,上述代码已存在于该文件中,但 EnableFrameRateCounter 设置为 true。


了解更多:DebugSettings 类

于 2018-06-14T16:02:17.223 回答