class StringTools
public static function convertForLog($variable) {
if ($variable === null) {
return 'null';
if ($variable === false) {
return 'false';
if ($variable === true) {
return 'true';
if (is_array($variable)) {
return json_encode($variable);
return $variable ? $variable : "";
public static function toAsciiTable($array, $fields, $wrapLength) {
// get max length of fields
$fieldLengthMap = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$fieldMaxLength = 0;
foreach ($array as $item) {
$value = self::convertForLog($item[$field]);
$length = strlen($value);
$fieldMaxLength = $length > $fieldMaxLength ? $length : $fieldMaxLength;
$fieldMaxLength = $fieldMaxLength > $wrapLength ? $wrapLength : $fieldMaxLength;
$fieldLengthMap[$field] = $fieldMaxLength;
// create table
$asciiTable = "";
$totalLength = 0;
foreach ($array as $item) {
// prepare next line
$valuesToLog = [];
foreach ($fieldLengthMap as $field => $maxLength) {
$valuesToLog[$field] = self::convertForLog($item[$field]);
// write next line
$lineIsWrapped = true;
while ($lineIsWrapped) {
$lineIsWrapped = false;
foreach ($fieldLengthMap as $field => $maxLength) {
$valueLeft = $valuesToLog[$field];
$valuesToLog[$field] = "";
if (strlen($valueLeft) > $maxLength) {
$valuesToLog[$field] = substr($valueLeft, $maxLength);
$valueLeft = substr($valueLeft, 0, $maxLength);
$lineIsWrapped = true;
$asciiTable .= "| {$valueLeft} " . str_repeat(" ", $maxLength - strlen($valueLeft));
$totalLength = $totalLength === 0 ? strlen($asciiTable) + 1 : $totalLength;
$asciiTable .= "|\n";
// add lines before and after
$horizontalLine = str_repeat("-", $totalLength);
$asciiTable = "{$horizontalLine}\n{$asciiTable}{$horizontalLine}\n";
return $asciiTable;
public function handle() {
$array = [
["name" => "something here", "description" => "a description here to see", "value" => 3],
["name" => "and a boolean", "description" => "this is another thing", "value" => true],
["name" => "a duck and a dog", "description" => "weird stuff is happening", "value" => "truly weird"],
["name" => "with rogue field", "description" => "should not show it", "value" => false, "rogue" => "nie"],
["name" => "some kind of array", "description" => "array i tell you", "value" => [3, 4, 'banana']],
["name" => "can i handle null?", "description" => "let's see", "value" => null],
$table = StringTools::toAsciiTable($array, ["name", "value", "description"], 50);