我发现在身份验证模式下将 php 集成到 Ejabberd 的错误。这个脚本,打开 php://stdin 和 php://stdout 来读/写数据,但是过一段时间它会挂起,所以认证功能不能工作。



 * A class extending EjabberdExternalAuth may optionally implement this interface
 * to support additional, non-critical methods for adding and removing users.
interface EjabberdExternalAuth_UserManagement {

     * Corresponds to `setpass` operation.
    public function setPassword($user, $server, $password);

     * Corresponds to `tryregister` operation.
    public function register($user, $server, $password);

     * Corresponds to `removeuser` operation.
    public function remove($user, $server);

     * Corresponds to `removeuser3` operation.
    public function removeSafely($user, $server, $password);


abstract class EjabberdExternalAuth {

    private $db     = null;
    private $log    = null;
    private $stdin  = null;
    private $stdout = null;

    public static $logLevel = array(LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_INFO, LOG_KERN);

     * Corresponds to `auth` operation.
    abstract protected function authenticate($user, $server, $password);

     * Corresponds to `isuser` operation.
    abstract protected function exists($user, $server);

    final public function __construct(PDO $db = null, $log = null) {
        set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));

        $this->db     = $db;
        $this->stdin  = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb');
        $this->stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'wb');

        if ($log) {
            $this->log = fopen($log, 'a');

        $this->log('Starting auth service...', LOG_INFO);

        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {

        $this->log('Exiting...', LOG_INFO);

    final protected function db() {
        return $this->db;

    final private function work() {
        $this->log('Entering event loop...', LOG_INFO);

        while (true) {
            try {
                $message = $this->read();
                $message = $this->parseMessage($message);
            } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {

            $this->log('Received message: ' . json_encode($message), LOG_DEBUG);

            $response = false;

            switch ($message['command']) {
                case 'auth' :
                    $response = $this->authenticate($message['user'], $message['server'], $message['password']);
                case 'isuser' :
                    $response = $this->exists($message['user'], $message['server']);

            if ($this instanceof EjabberdExternalAuth_UserManagement) {
                switch ($message['command']) {
                    case 'setpass' :
                        $response = $this->setPassword($message['user'], $message['server'], $message['password']);
                    case 'tryregister' :
                        $response = $this->register($message['user'], $message['server'], $message['password']);
                    case 'removeuser' :
                        $response = $this->remove($message['user'], $message['server']);
                    case 'removeuser3' :
                        $response = $this->removeSafely($message['user'], $message['server'], $message['password']);


    final private function read() {
        $length = fgets($this->stdin, 3);

        if (feof($this->stdin)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Pipe broken');

        $length = current(unpack('n', $length));
        if (!$length) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException("Invalid length value, won't continue reading");

        $message = fgets($this->stdin, $length + 1);
        return $message;

    final private function parseMessage($message) {
        $message = explode(':', $message, 4);
        if (count($message) < 3) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('Message is too short: ' . join(':', $message));

        list($command, $user, $server) = $message;
        $password = isset($message[3]) ? $message[3] : null;
        return compact('command', 'user', 'server', 'password');

    final private function respond($status) {
        $message = pack('nn', 2, (int)$status);
        $this->log('Sending response: ' . bin2hex($message), LOG_DEBUG);
        fwrite($this->stdout, $message);

    final protected function log($message, $severity = LOG_ERR) {
        if ($this->log && in_array($severity, self::$logLevel, true)) {
            static $types = array(
                LOG_EMERG   => 'EMERGENCY',
                LOG_ALERT   => 'ALERT',
                LOG_CRIT    => 'CRITICAL',
                LOG_ERR     => 'ERROR',
                LOG_WARNING => 'WARNING',
                LOG_NOTICE  => 'NOTICE',
                LOG_INFO    => 'INFO',
                LOG_DEBUG   => 'DEBUG',
                LOG_KERN    => 'KERNEL'

            $message = sprintf('%s <%s> %9s: %s', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), getmypid(), isset($types[$severity]) ? $types[$severity] : $types[LOG_ERR], $message);
            fwrite($this->log, $message . PHP_EOL);

    final protected function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, array $errcontext) {
        $this->log("($errno) $errstr in $errfile on line $errline");
        return false;


我认为,出了点问题,例如:STDOUT 可能坏了,所以我需要永远将数据写入 php://stdout,那么我怎么能确保流永远不会被破坏。


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