我需要生成一个由 8 个数字块组成的序列。块大小可以在 28 到 32 之间变化。我卡住的部分是所有块的总和必须是一个特定的数字。假设是 243。
我确信有更好的方法。感谢您的帮助 最良好的祝愿
我需要生成一个由 8 个数字块组成的序列。块大小可以在 28 到 32 之间变化。我卡住的部分是所有块的总和必须是一个特定的数字。假设是 243。
我确信有更好的方法。感谢您的帮助 最良好的祝愿
Calculate 8 blocks as you are doing at the moment. The sum of all these blocks will then be more, or less, than the desired sum.
Then, add all the blocks together and find actual sum. E.g:
blocks = randn(8,28);
actual_sum = sum(sum(blocks));
desired_sum = 243;
Then you calculate ratio that you must multiply all the values with to achieve the desired sum. E.g:
ratio = desired_sum/actual_sum;
Then you just multiply all your blocks with this ratio, and you will achieve your goal. E.g:
blocks = blocks * ratio;
This will result in values with decimals (or floats). If you want integers then just round all the values, and adjust the last block a little with the difference this created. E.g:
blocks = round(blocks,0);
diff = sum(sum(blocks)) - desired_sum;
blocks(1,1) = blocks(1,1) - diff;
if sum(sum(blocks))==desired_sum
fprintf("It works!");
Disclaimer: I don't have Matlab with me, so you might need to fix some function names or so. The method behind it should be solid.