(Dyalog) APL 中是否有一个简单的习惯用法来用零包围数字数组?
目前对于等级为 1 的数值数组NA
0,⍨0, NA
对于排名为 2 的数组,我使用
0,[1]⍨0,[1]0,⍨0, NA
{r←≢⍴⍵ ⋄ i←1⌽⍳r ⋄ {0⍪0⍪⍨i⍉⍵}⍣r⊢⍵}
the shape of the array
≢</code> the number of elements of that (i.e. array's rank)
r←</code> store that as
(for rank)
the ɩndices of the rank
1⌽</code> rotate them one step
i←</code> store in i
(for indices)
on the array
apply the following function r
times (i.e. once per dimension):
reorder the axes of the argument according to i
(i.e. put the next dimension in front)
<code>0⍪⍨ append with 0s along the first axis
<code>0⍪</code> prepend with 0s along the first axis
In other words, each axis gets its turn at being in front, where we prepend and append 0s.
所以,我已经将我的方法推广到了一个递归 dfn,它满足了我的“适用于任意等级”的要求,但我对此并不满意,因为我仍然认为有一种更好的方法可以做到这一点,而我只是错过了。我把它作为答案,因为它在技术上回答了我的问题,但我仍在寻找更好的解决方案。
{(⍴⍴⍵){⍺=0:⍵ ⋄ (⍺-1)∇0,[⍺]⍨0,[⍺]⍵}⍵}