toReturn = ""
for definition in definitionArray:
lastFunctionalLabel = ""
toPrint = ""
for dtTag in definition.findall("dt"):
if dtTag.tail == "obsolete":
dtTag.tail = "" #take away the tail word so that when printing it does not show up.
# We don't really care for 'verbal illustrations' or 'usage notes', even though they are occasionally useful.
for usageNote in dtTag.findall("un"):
for verbalIllustration in dtTag.findall("vi"):
# Directional cross reference doesn't make sense for us
for dxTag in dtTag.findall("dx"):
for dxtTag in dxTag.findall("dxt"):
for dxnTag in dxtTag.findall("dxn"):
toPrint = ET.tostring(dtTag, "", "xml").strip() # extract raw XML from <dt>...</dt>
toPrint = toPrint.replace("<sx>", "; ") # attempt to remove 'synonymous cross reference tag' and replace with semicolon
toPrint = toPrint.replace("<dx>", "; ") # attempt to remove 'Directional cross reference tag' and replace with semicolon
toPrint = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', toPrint) # remove all other XML tags
toPrint = re.sub(':', '', toPrint) # remove all colons, since they are usually useless and have been replaced with semicolons above
toPrint = toPrint.replace(" ; ", "; ").strip() # erase space between semicolon and previous word, if exists, and strip any extraneous whitespace
toPrint += "<br>\n"